Not Funny Without Jim

The Muppets haven't been any good since Jim Henson died, and I can't imagine this film having any hope without Frank Oz. "The Muppets Tonight" and "Muppet Treasure Island" were absolute disasters with tasteless jokes. I hate Disney for ruining my childhood! PLUS they removed all the TV episodes from the market, another one of the "artificial scarcity" schemes.



Not quite...recent movie (200*) with Brendon Frasier called "Looney Tunes: Back in Action."



no way man... treasure island is awesome, good music, silly, clever..very well directed by brian henson, muppets from space is fun (not disney by the way), and the last muppet christmas tv movie (again not disney) is great. you need to let jim go... Yes... he was "the man".. but they have done him proud. kirk thatcher who directed the last one is doing this, brian henson is producing.. i think this is gonna be a blast. why are people no negative all the time. lighten up. it's muppets, it's laughter, it's fun.


Good point. Thing about Disney is that there are still some people in mild posistions of power scuttling around trying to bring quality into the mix and living up to the Disney name. I think that Manifested with the handling of the Muppet properties.
But there is a certain degree of authenticity that seems to grow less by the minute. Christmas Carol was okay, using Cane's performance to carry the dramatic aspects of the film, Muppet Treasure Island was a 2 hour Looney Tune(nothing wrong with that) and Muppet's Tonight was, like the Muppet Show, strictly a gag venue.
But there's always that opening scene from "The Muppet Movie" with Kermit singing a song about following dreams that has yet to be topped, by anybody. It's damn hard to even mention following dreams and being sincere about it. Henson did that.
But NBC's christmas special and Columbia's Muppets from Space took a shot at adding some heart and failed, miserably.
So with Muppet Oz, they better bring in something authentic if they're gonna go for tender moments.

"Allright you primitive screwheads, listen up. This is my BOOMSTICK!"


I thought MTI and MCC were good.


Now I don't think that's very fair.. I liked both Christmas Charol and Treasure Island. I thought they were very well done. In my opinion as long as Brian Henson is still involved, I'll be happy.

Jen:I don't have wings..!
Kira:Of course're a boy!^_~


I don't know, saying that the muppets suck ever since Jim Henson died is like saying that disney has sucked ever since Walt died. People tend to carry on GREAT traditions. I'd have to say that Brian has done a fantastic job of carrying on in his father's footsteps. Certainly, there would be no-one better to do the job. You know, Jim Henson was not the ONLY muppeteer. He always involved everyone around him in his productions. We're not talking about a "my way or the highway" kind of director. Jim welcomed criticism and input from everyone who worked with him. So you have to realize that the productions from when Jim was alive were collaborative efforts, moreso than they were coming from one guy. Many of the people who were on his team, are still working with the muppets. Therefore, much of the same inspiration can be found in post-Jim productions.

Granted, some roles will likely be lackluster without Frank at the helm, but I don't think they could have picked a better production to remake with the muppets. Here's a film that's stood the test of time and been loved by several generations (much like the treasure island (which I thought was great) and Christmas Carol). But I don't know, The Wizard of Oz may not be any good anymore, now that Judy Garland is dead and all.......

The muppets, to me, still have all the same charm and wit that they had 20 years ago. One of the great things about a muppet is the fact that they do not change. They remain frozen in time so long as someone is there to keep them going. Well, someone IS there to keep them going, and I'm sure they'll continue to do so.

