The Muppet Legacy

I've noticed that a number of people on this board have criticized the Muppets projects that have come out since the death of Jim Henson in 1990. What these critics are forgetting is that, while the tone of the Muppet projects has changed somewhat, they are still the Muppets and it is still the message that matters. When Jim Henson created the Muppets, he created far more than just a bunch of silly puppets. He created a set of lovable characters that embody a philosophy of living. Through the Muppets, Henson promoted the ideas of tolerance, acceptance, friendship, and love. While the Muppets have changed a little since his death, anyone who has seen A Very Merry Muppet Christmas Movie cannot deny that his message is still vital and very much present in the work. This is why Disney is a Godsend. After the fiasco of the Henson children selling the Muppets to some Japanese corporation and then buying them back, the Muppets are finally owned by an entity that can preserve the legacy. Disney has the power to make the Muppets popular again and to preserve them for decades to come. So, for the critics out there, don't dismiss what has come after. Accept it for what it is and be glad that Kermit and the rest of the gang are in safe hands and will be around to show future generations how to make that Rainbow Connection.




YOU GO...Person!!!

The penguins are calling and I can't find my way out of the labyrinth.
