Nipple comment

I was offended by the nipple comment made by Gonzo (tin man) after the shrimp touched him. I was also offended by the "Girls Gone Wild" comment made in the beginning. This movie is supposed to be for children-I know everyone has nipples but I don't think it needs to be mentioned in a movie-especially having someone touching someone else's nipples. I am no prude but come on-this movie didn't have to mention those things to be funny.


You're not a prude? Ha! You seem like one to me. That joke was one of the funniest jokes (if not THE funniest) in the movie. I found nothing wrong with it at all. How could this damage a child's brain in anyway but make them laugh like kids should do?


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Yeah, I caught that witch slap thing, funny. And please, the nipple joke was the funniest one in the movie.


I laughed my "A" off with the nipple, ggw, witch slap, and the Miss Piggy Angelyne poster that was in the background in munchkinland. I can't believe people make deals about these things. Watch the old Muppet movies and you'll find loads and loads of adult humor in them.

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I'd agree if I had kids, but since I don't, I thought it was pretty funny. Also, you gotta remember, the Muppets have always been known for their perfect blend of Kid comedy and Adult humor.


I was just gona say... that's the muppets for you... theyve always been known to incorporate adult humour.. and i love it! just makes it so much more hilarious. Kid's movies always have some adult humour in it.. it goes over the kids' heads, and it just adds some entertainment for the parents.


Next thing you know Kermit will be showing leg past the ankle. For shame!! The poor, poor children. Better put them back in the box so they can't experience such horrors.


Jeeze, this was the damn muppets, since when have they turned "mtv". Poor Jim Henson.


Now wait a minute, so the nipple comment was hideously offensive, but the rather well endowed, scantily clad vixen who utters the phrase, "What can I do you for" to Gonzo, Miss Piggy running around in a neglige and implied cannibalism (well, okay, "puppetalism") is okay?!?!

So tired of people who adhere to a standard, just so long as it is a double one...


I believe that they could've picked someone better then Ashanti. That being said i laughed till I almost peed with a few of the remarks.

"What do these nobs do?"
"Nothing, they're my nipples!"

You should never eat a comedian, they taste funny."

"Why don't your bikes stand up on their own?"
"Because they're too tired!"

"Oh Wa Ta Foo Liam!"

"I just gave you some Bran New Brains." Classic.

I had to hit pause on my T.I.V.O I was laughing so hard. What a great line. The responce of the Prawn was equally funny. Looked like he was going to die right there.

I'm not as think as you drunk I am!


Several years ago, when my 21 y.o. son was about 12-14, we happened to catch Sesame Street while we were watching TV together. He said, "Wow, it wasn't this funny when I used to watch it!" Of course I told him that it was; I think they put the humor in to keep the parents entertained while watching with their kids. Sly humor and reference jokes are a staple of Muppet humor.

As for the nipple thing - I'd read the message about it before I got to that part of the movie and when it came up, my husband and I both laughed at it. Anything that you present to children as being 'bad' will be perceived as bad - as anything that you present as factual will be perceived in that same matter of fact way. Nipples are like that. :-)


<<Several years ago, when my 21 y.o. son was about 12-14, we happened to catch Sesame Street while we were watching TV together. He said, "Wow, it wasn't this funny when I used to watch it!" Of course I told him that it was; I think they put the humor in to keep the parents entertained while watching with their kids. Sly humor and reference jokes are a staple of Muppet humor>>

You are 100% right I never noticed that it was funny till a year or 2 ago


Other lines a friend and I noticed were..

"we're friends of dorothy"
Kermit sez this at the doorway of the emerald city.

obscure but in the 60s 70s gay guys who were fans of Judy Garland would describe themselves as "Friends of Dorothy"

also My friend viewed Ashantis refernce to "buses" as racially motivated as well.

Not to mention the "Britney Spears Rat" Billboard advertising a "world tour" in the background of the emerald city.

Or the Poppy/heroin refernces..

Didnt Miss piggy Look like Cher in "Turn back Time" video?

My problem with the nipple comment was Peppes reaction. I think in an older mupp movie the scene would just continue and let those who caught it get it, and those who didnt miss it. But nipples? relax..worse is said on Spongebob, of which im a fan aswell


I didn't like that 'joke' as well as several other things in the movie. They are just catering to the lowest common people. That kind of humor is NOT ADULT, it's JUVENILE!

