Fun, but...

I've seen alot of complaints on this board about "The Muppets Wizard of Oz"... but I'm watching it right now, and I have to say that for the most part I'm enjoying it. The four witches by Piggy, Kermit is perfect for the Scarecrow, the Cowardly lion by Fozzie, and the Tin Thing (they look just like the muppet babies' version of the Wizard of Oz from that delightful cartoon.)

BUT, even though it's only one, I DO have one complaint about the movie... Wouldn't it have made more sense if (instead of the obnoxious Prawn character), the writers had written Rowlf in for the part of Toto? I MISS Rowlf!



I never really warmed up to Pepe.

Maybe it's because a lot of his lines are mumbled under his breath, and oftentimes I can't understand what he's saying.


Check at when the did "Keep Fishin." They made it with the Muppets and did the making of that song and it did have Rowlf talking a lot in a segment. Of course he sounded like Bobo the bear, who is also performed by Bill Barretta.


Aww, I loved Rowlf!!
He's the fox-like lil creature with the eye-patch right? LoL

But after Pepe as Toto, that just cracked me up... I loved the way
he kept mumblin the funniest lil lines and repeatedly said "j'okay?"


Pepe the prawn absolutely stole the show. He cracks my boys up which is worth it to me, even though I do miss the Muppets of the 70's. Time to move on, I'm afraid.

