According to the BBC website, the DVD for Messiah 3 is coming out today. I haven't been able to find any reference to the release date on amazon; does anyone know if and when it will be available?


Just seen on Ken Stott's website (www.kenstott.info) that the DVD release has been cancelled due to "copyright issues".


Messiah 3 and 4 boxset: March 6th 2006.



Now been delayed until July 3rd according to Amazon


The BBFC have finally classified parts 3 and 4 meaning the DVD release should definitely be soon. One worrying thing though is that part 1 of Messiah 4 is listed as being full frame, whereas the other part as well and both parts of Messiah 3 are listed as being widescreen. Hopefully this is just a mistake.


any messiah fans must check out amazon.co.uk as all the series 1-4 are available to buy on DVD for a bargain £24 (inc. P&P first class to UK address)

Just finished watching them all. If I recall the DVD of messiah 3 + 4 are widescreen.
