Everyone's a little bit racist

Give her a break. Go listen to the song "Everyone's a little bit racist" from the musical Avenue Q. You know you are just a little bit.....



hey, a lot of people can make carreer's about it. i mean, look at Malcom X and Hitler. they made a 'crap' load of money being racist bitches. so dont say they can't. people aren't just a little racist. i'm extremely racist. i hate black people. i hate white people. i hate people period. so 'screw' off.


Yeah, I wonder, does it make you racist if you hate all humans, but hate each racial category of humans for unique reasons?

Sometimes evil is just applied stupidity-Ronar


No, it makes you a misanthrope. But in shootitonmyface's case it is just stupidity.

We belong to each other now. For better, for worse, like love - only real.

