Any Fans?

I love the movie so much that I actually own it and have watched it many times. I am pretty sure not too many people own this movie. But any fans? Or am I the only one?



Yep. I'm a fan. Of course, I'm a bit biased. I'm the co-creator/director's sister! Chance worked his rear off to make this movie! He poured his soul into it. It's awesome that there are people who enjoy it so much! Glad you bought it! Buy some for all of your friends!

Since you enjoyed it, check out his website where you can see stuff about his upcoming movie called "Interplanetary".
a.k.a. little sister



I saw the movie a year or so ago and I loved it. I just bought a copy and will be watching it again real soon.


Owned the movie for a little more than a year now and watch it often. Huge fan. Few films capture the spirit of the creator's passion as Hide and Creep. It's fun, smart, gloriously low-budget, and respects the genre. What more could you ask for? Keep up the great work.

Dallas, TX


I enjoyed it as well, I've actually sent it around and I'm the only one who enjoyed it.

My review:

I had some problems of course, but how is the commentary track, if you've seen it?
