Total bitch.

Since this movie was not about her art, it was apparently just to glorify selfishness.

She liked weird *beep* big deal, lots of people do, but that doesn't mean you have to abandon your entire family and have an affair with someone who is actually different, just because you WANT to be different.

This movie makes me hate Arbus. She goes and has her freak out fun while her husband is running the family business by himself, raising their kids by himself and trying to keep 4 entire LIVES together by himself while she just moves in with the man upstairs for a couple months and assumes his lifestyle. "So long, kids, I'm weird!"

Total bitch.


Um, isn't this called an An Imaginary Portrait of Diane Arbus?

Don't try to cash in love, that check will always bounce.


Well, I imagine she's a total bitch. Because of this movie.


Well, I imagine she's a total bitch. Because of this movie.

Don't try to cash in love, that check will always bounce.


Well this movie may have been titled "imaginary" but her leaving her kids and then committing suicide is anything but imaginary. That actually happened and I was so pissed off when I realized that she had kids, left them and then suicided herself. Selfish bitch!

"Oh Thank you God! Thank you so BLOODY much!" Basil Fawlty


Yes, that was very selfish of her to leave her daughters behind like that and then years later committed suicide. Though, she probably thought in her mind that it was best for them because her life took a drastic turn and back in then in the 50s, what her career of photography was about and her behavior was, it was frowned upon in society. So, I guess she wanted to save her daughters the embarrassment and shame of having a mother who was into weird and disturbing things. Still, she shouldn't have left them like that. She should've at least visit them or write them.


No, if you read a biography it's pretty clear Arbus's reasons for committing suicide were all about her.

Please put some dashes above your sig line so I won't think it's part of your dumb post.


Doesn't that make it even worse?? It's not like she had a terminal illness.

Oh Thank you God! Thank you so BLOODY much!Basil Fawlty


not arguing with the initial point... but golly people need to learn about mental illness. its an invisible illness that can be just as hard to cope with as a terminal illness. makes me sad that so many ppl don't seem to understand that.


You know suicide is just as hard to explain to other kids as mom is weird she did not spare them embarrassment, she only made it worse and then taking the easy way out. I will say she made mistakes but she could have did better than she did with her family.
