She is Insane!!

I actually just made this account to post this, I nerver really cared for the forums here.

Am I watching the same movie as you guys?

When she slapped him I was laughing, when she throws him in the tubs I am looking at her a bit funny, when he starts drowning I am wondering wtf is going on.

And when they get to the dinner table and she does not give him any food and tells him "The Tramp" left with all his money I was making an IMDB account.

I understand he was not the nicest guy in the world but that does not justify this. Nobody made her stay all those years.

She knew he was going to leave her/was cheating why stay for all that ****?

This movie was okay till this and now it sucks.

What happend to the christian thing to do? Did Jesus beat up cripples?


You forget, she had been around Madea, and Madea is not Christian...Madea has got a huge mean streak to her simply because she's smart enough not to take any crap from anybody. Besides, you show me a Christian who in this day and age, wouldn't do the same thing put through the same things and given the chance...and I'll show you a sucker who passes up a good opportunity. Charles first became very aware of his mortality when he was shot, but when Helen was taking care of him he thought he was the big man again who could treat her however the hell he wanted. She loved him, she was stupid for it but he was very controlling over her and very pursuasive during their whole relationship, and it's hard to leave that when you don't have anybody to turn to and don't know much better.


Maybe, but I think she should've gone to prison (not JAIL, prison) for all the things she did to him. I mean, like n487912-1 mentioned with the bath tub, by my count, that would be one count of violence against the infirm (for throwing him in the tub) and one count of attempted murder (for trying to drown him). Not to mention the two counts of neglect at the dinner table and the bath tub scene (unmentioned by n487912-1): she just decided to leave him there for "a few days". I'm sure if I took the time to thoroughly study that movie, I'd find even more examples. My point is, even though turnabout is fair play, I'm with n487912-1 on this one: she. went. OVERBOARD!!!!!!!!


"I'll show you a sucker who passes up a good opportunity"

To be a cowardly criminal? Not all Christians are stupid like your suggestion. She had her FAMILY to turn to, but he had no one after she lied to and dumped him.


Helen did go back and nurse him back to health. It was her mother a true Christian, that got her to see the error of her ways. Her mother also got her to realize that she had to forgive her husband for HER sake, so she could move on. The way her mother explained it, when someone hurts you, they have power over you until you forgive them. As far as insane, maybe a little, she just admitted to such when she talked about the miscarriages she suffered. She had an epiphany and realized that her behavior was wrong and tried to make it right. Also remember that she wouldn't let the doctors pull the plug on him. She could have let him die and taken everything. I think that she really had good intentions from that point, but after Charles continued to try to be the 'Old Charles', bullying and belittling her, she realized that she actually had the upper hand and wanted to use it for once.


As any woman who has been in that position and possesses a brain should do. Forgiveness is fine but ain't anything wrong with getting your revenge first. Revenge is a virtue.


ummmm i suppose she went a bit overboard
though i'm sure some people would debate that
in any case i wouldn't say she's insane
she was just mad as hell
what were they married for 18 yrs or something like that
dude cheated on her and dragged her out of the house
and she had to go back and take care of him
and as for her knowing better
well i have no idea how it got to that point or
what she was hoping for
but it does seem that some women that end up in the
position as she was in
feel like they can't leave
in any case that doesn't excuse dude
for being a complete ass

so the lesson here is never ever ever ever
be completely dependent on someone


Correct, never ever ever ever be completely dependent on someone, anyone, except yourself, because if you lose yourself and you can't rely on yourself, you truly have lost everything worth having in your life.



Hey somebody here said Helen should've gone to prison for the way she treated Charles. She got her revenge on Charles over what, a week? If that's the case, Charles deserves the death penalty cuz he pulled all that s hit on her for 18 years.



Yeah, it's real easy to say that cuz it ain't you. But you know what? There are millions of women like that who get dragged into so much stuff by their husbands, and they marry young and dumb, they don't know their husbands are going to turn out to be bastards. From there, everything is the wife's fault that she didn't do something gonna go find every woman who was put through similar things and tell them they're pathetic?



Okay, fine, go to all the homeless shelters and hospitals and support groups and tell all the women who are there because of their husbands and boyfriends that they're idiots. See how far that gets you.



"Yeah, it's real easy to say that cuz it ain't you"

And it "ain't" you who's been abused while totally unable to defend yourself. He never BEAT her or did anything illegal, while nearly killing someone is, fool.


We are all forgetting one thing folks--this is a MOVIE!



Not according to Scripture, it ain't...

"Do not repay anyone evil for evil. Be careful to do what is right in the eyes of everyone. If it is possible, as far as it depends on you, live at peace with everyone. Do not take revenge, my dear friends, but leave room for God's wrath, for it is written: "It is mine to avenge; I will repay," says the Lord." ~Romans 12:17-19~

"Do not repay evil with evil or insult with insult. On the contrary, repay evil with blessing, because to this you were called so that you may inherit a blessing." ~1 Peter 3:9~

God commands forgiveness to those who wrong us, but its important to note He never commands trust in those situations. You can forgive someone, but still want distance from them for your own safety. The heart is what matters; bitterness just poisons the soul.


I was surprised at how bad she treated him. If I were a scorned woman, I sure as heck wouldnt take it lying down, but I couldnt imagine doing that to someone who's helpless and paralyzed. That's punishment enough. He still deserved it though.

And she was pathetic to stay w/ him for his money all that time.


She didn't stay with him for his money...she was the only one in the relationship who still loved, even though she knew it was futile, which is not uncommon if you look around.


He didn't deserve being starved and half-drowned while able to do nothing to remedy the situation.


Helen is just a human being like everyone else. Yes, she went a little crazy! DUH...hence the title "Diary of a Mad Black Woman".

As a Christian woman I'm getting a little tired of those who are not Christians (or those who are and NEVER sin anymore...) of making us feel like we're supposed to be angelic. We still have emotions. We still act on them sometimes. We still sin. We're not Jesus. HE was "tempted in all things but never sinner". We do...but we have forgiveness when we do.

As far as why she stayed "all those years", you obiviously have never had a relationship that wasn't good for you but you were COMMMITTED to the relationship and to the man you were with and, therefore, it's VERY difficult to just up and leave.

PLEASE! This is a wonderful movie, heart-warming, inspiring, funny and yes...Christian. Please don't ruin it by being sanctimonious in your review.


She was nice to him commpared to what I would be. Of course I would never let anyone off as giving them death. Dead puppies are no fun to play with.


Guess what stranger, it's even harder to get up and leave if..oh yeah, you're a quadriplegic. What she did was pathetic, cowardly and wicked, and this is NOT a Christian movie or it wouldn't have ended with the woman and her family mocking him when she kicked him in the gut one last time and left him after leading him on for months. Really sad to me that a non-believer sees this better than you.


I really thought Helen's behavior was completely unjustified.
Firstly, Charles had just been SHOT and was facing possibly being PARALYZED for the rest of his life. Doesn't she think that is punishment enough?
Secondly, what does torturing someone accomplish? Does it make someone come to you on their knees giving a sincere apology? I would think that revenge would only harbor more bad feelings inside a person. I think at the very beginning, when she just yelled at him a little bit (although maybe even that should have been withheld, but hey, we're human), was enough. I would have stopped right before she hit him with a (plastic) baseball bat.
(I can't remember exactly what happened in the movie) Later, Helen's mother, a strong Christian, talked it out with her, I think she apologized and they were just 'friends' after that? I don't know...but even if Charles deserved the things she did to him, you really should leave vengeance to God and his perfect judgment. I know that Jesus, when beaten and CRUCIFIED, did not say a harsh word or lift a finger. He only said, 'Father, forgive them.' Wow. I wish everyone, including me, could follow that example. Think of how much less hatred there would be in the world today! more preaching...*looks sheepish*

I'm just going to post this and shut up...



Obviously you missed the entire point of the movie. Bye.


"I understand he was not the nicest guy in the world but that does not justify this. Nobody made her stay all those years.

She knew he was going to leave her/was cheating why stay for all that ****?"

I agree with you, she should have left him a long time ago.


Yeah she should've left him a long time ago but like a lot of women in real life she didn't, a lot of them don't leave until they go to their graves, usually helped there BY men like Charles.


Exactly! Or they needed to be forced to wake up. Oh and the worst of it is Helen went back to him. Least for a while before she realizes that Orlando is the true one.


Exactly Red, she played the devoted Christian and then dumped him, weak little mouse.


Basically n48, the writers themselves may have lost their sanity a bit with this nasty crap. Helen became twisted and a coward worse than her husband, who abused a man when he couldn't defend himself and then led him on and abandoned him in front of the family. She didn't deserve the saccharine Orlando.
