I felt sorry for Charles

Am I the only one who started feeling sorry for Charles when she threw him into the tub and after that started crying at the table?

I agreed with her slapping him and shouting at him, even letting him on his own for a couple of days (even though I started feeling sorry for him when she returned and found him there all humble).

I am not a Christian but I have feelings and I think she just went a bit too far.

And... I wonder how Charles's life continued after the film finished...


She tortures him for what...a week? In payback for what, 12, 15 years of the hell he put her through? Na, when he gets to experience a miscarriage, then they could call the score evened, until then, she had a long way to weigh the scales.


She allowed him to behave to her that way in the first place. She didn't have to stay.


And neither do the millions of women in this country who are in abusive relationships, but most of them do, a lot of them because somewhere along the way they got deluded into thinking if they were a good enough wife or if they did this, did that, it would make him happy OR that they could change him. Millions of women somehow get these delusions and don't get that he ain't ever gonna change, and even the perfect wife can't make a miserable bastard happy.


This is a film we are talking about. And honestly, if a woman is (I don't want to say stupid but I can't think of a more suitable word) stupid enough not to see who the person who abuses her really is and if she doesn't care enough for herself and lets someone abuse her, it's their decision. Everybody has the right to decide.


Amazing how you really think it's so easy to leave an abusive relationship. Read the link the other poster put up. I've never been in an abusive relationship but you have to have some sympathy and realize it is not about stupidity.

"When I'm sad, I stop being sad and be awesome instead."


You're an objectively terrible person for saying that

Life's a bitch, but god forbid the bitch divorce me


@novastar_6 I agree. I know a dude who pretty much acts like Charles (except he's never been shot or suffered from any paralysis). But treated his wife like *beep* cheated on her, verbally and physically abusive, coldhearted etc. She left him but he still acts like she was the one who was wrong for leaving him, he thinks just because he is well-off financially that means that he's a good guy. Ppl on here are just defending Charles because he's a man, not surprised because most ppl automatically take the guy's side regardless. If it were the other way around, they'd be singing a different tune.


many reasons http://www.mchenrycountyturningpoint.org/powerandcontrol.html

now have a seat


I didn't feel the least bit sorry for him because he was getting what he deserved. The only one I felt bad for was Helen because I didn't want to see her anger turn her into him and have her lose Shemar Moore! I only hated what it was doing to her because Charles had it coming and more.


she was also financially dependent, as she didn't have a job. and she was afraid to leave, believing she wasn't good enough for a good man.


You're a dumbass, nova; she could have LEFT at anytime, but he didn't get that option after his injuries, did he?


No it was just karma in the works. Regardless, I am sure if the movie went on another hour he'd be a changed person. It all works out for the best.


I would have maybe felt sorry for him, if he wasn't still being such a huge dick to Helen, even after he got hurt and she was taking care of him... Yeah, maybe she went a little too far, but he needed that wake up call...


A little too far? She almost killed him. Even leaving him there, unable to care for himself, was incredibly wrong.


Why wrong?

He divorced her.

He wasn't her responsibility. Why should she do anything for him? Even after she did take care of him instead of being grateful he treated her like *beep*




A little too far? She almost killed him. Even leaving him there, unable to care for himself, was incredibly wrong.

That was ALL his fault. If his dumb ass wouldn't have divorced his wife and gave that gold digging tramp access to all of his money then he would have been able to afford home care. At that point, Helen didn't owe him anything. He kicked her out of the house kicking and screaming, in the middle of the night and told the furniture mover to drive her away. Then he divorced her, leaving her without a dime and he thought that she was going to just come back to help him, take orders and deal with his nasty attitude and smart mouth, all for nothing after everything he put her through, not only during the divorce but during the entire marriage. Oh No...I don't think so. That fool got just what he deserved.

I woke up this way...


I agree totally, Real. She lost her mind, started treating both men like trash, and after that I thought she deserved a lot of the pain. If she was too weak to leave him while he was cheating and getting her sick, she doesn't get the right to abuse him when he can't defend himself.


Uhmmm, yes she does. It's called payback. Do not piss off the people who prepare your food, change your diapers, or stay with you through your darkest nights. You'll just end up lonely, covered in poop, eating dirty band-aid sandwiches.
Karma's a 8itch.


He was a coldhearted bastard. Deserved everything he got


Never sank as low as she did.



To me, the thing is that she had become such a great person, finding a good man, putting the past behind her to the point of not even wanting any of her ex's money, was really something!

And, then she completely lost it. Charles is an absolute train wreck regardless. But, taking her on such an inspiring journey, and then having her fall on her face like that is just so bizarre.

If she had snapped earlier in the movie, it certainly would have been less what-the-heck's going on?!

I. Drink. Your. Milkshake! [slurp!] I DRINK IT UP! - Daniel Plainview - There Will Be Blood


I don't he was an ungrateful a$$h0le that still abused her after he was paralyzed and she took care of him.

Not even a thank you.

Still verbal abuse.

I would have done worse.

In fact, I probably wouldn't have done anything for him. Let him die, let him stay alone in that big house. Whatever.

He was lucky she was there for him and I had no sympathy for him at all. In fact, I think she was stupid to go back and take care of him because it was clear she wouldn't get a penny let alone a thank you from that turd.

I doubt Charle's life changed much except he had to sell that house and downsize to something very small and moderate because he business was probably going to fail. I see him eventually living in a one room apartment on disability.

Charles had no friends. All of his business contacts and acquaintances were just there for the money. Once there was no money they were gone. I'm sure those that could took as much from him as they could before leaving him.

You reap what you sow and Charles was a nasty piece of work.


Then where's what his nasty wife sowed?


She almost lost a human decent good man by focusing on her hurt and hate onto her ugly ex husband. She snapped out of it before she lost out on a good thing.


I'll admit, I chuckled when she threw him in the tub.....but that's before I realized he was paralyzed . After that, I really said to myself, "This woman's biscuits is not all the way baked." She took it way too far, but to be honest....Tyler Perry movies try waaay too hard.
Her husband was obviously the villain, and Perry predictably gave her the opportunity to get revenge......if he had gone the other way and made her character not torture him, I would have respected the movie more.
Boy, this man's movies are bad.
