A question

I couldn't help feeling a bit let down by this - the heroine(s) of the piece appear to screw over someone who seems, for all intents and purposes, a nice, well rounded guy.

Indeed, by the end of the film I didn't particular like either of the two female leads and, perhaps due to the way the film was shot, felt the film promoted illicit affairs based on what could potentially be a whim of the heart consequently causing all three parties to end up broken and lonely.

Now I admit I watched this because it's the only DVD on the rack we hadn't seen, and I watched it with two (also heterosexual) mates, all three of us male, but we all felt a bit sorry for Heck who despite being the best person he could be, being nice and even eventually quitting a job which went against his ethical code, ended up alone. The final scenes on the plane appeared an attempt to brush over his downfall to tie up the film nicely, if not conveniently.

Having read other comments I can see this film touched nerves with many people and was found to be liberating, moving, and sent out good messages to others - I wonder if you guys agree with me on poor old Heck and could enlighten me as to why I should like the two female leads a bit more.



They didn't screw over Heck yes they shouldn't have kissed while Rachel was still married BUT they didn't go any furthur and infact ended any chance of that happening.Rachel was going to stay with the marriage and Luce was going to back off-it was Heck who decided to end his marriage and let Rachel be free to be with Luce.So Heck wasn't totally screwed over he had choices and he made his and that was to let Rachel go when he could have kept her,Rachel was willing to stay.

So while it's sad Heck got hurt he did have some control over the situation and wasn't completely helpless.Unfortunatly life is messy and when one partner falls in love with someone else the other is going to get hurt but that doesn't make anyone a villian unless they are actually having an affair otherwise it's just life.

The full of words say,how I want you...How I love you.


Plus, it looks as if he's going to have a very good flight! :O


Yeh good points actually.

Rachel definitely persued Luce though, what are your opinions on that?


Yes she did to a degree but there were numerous times when she pulled back and it was Heck (oh the irony lol) who actually pushed them back together.I guess because Rachel had never felt anything like what she was feeling for Luce she didn't know how to deal with it so made some mistakes.But in the end I don't see her as a villian she did end things before they went to far and she was willing to stay with Heck but she's human so things happen.

The full of words say,how I want you...How I love you.


Just to add to the other answers too, I don't think that the last scene with Heck and the girl on the plane was meant to pass off his broken heart like it was nothing. I think this scene meant that he would go on to love again. He wasn't broken forever, which means that despite the unfavourable situation he was put in, he will recover.


I agree with the others. Rachel tried to avoid Luce. She left the fair at night when she spotted Luce and told Hec that he shouldn't have set them up to spend the evening together.
Yes, I felt really sorry for him, too. But I was impressed with how honesty was a running theme. Rachel never cheated on him and even confessed about the relationship after it was over.
