MovieChat Forums > Imagine Me & You (2006) Discussion > 'No problem is unsoluble....' - What doe...

'No problem is unsoluble....' - What does it mean?

"No problem is insoluble given a large enough plastic bag". Is it from a Tom Stoppard play? Or am I just scientifically thick?


I think my take on this is a little dark, but perhaps, it's referring to having no problems due to suicide (i.e. killing yourself by suffication via plastic bag over the head).


My take was dark as well. I believe it refers to killing others, i.e. the cause of your problem, and then getting rid of the evidence.


If something is water soluble, it means that it can be dissolved in water. So if you get a plastic bag big enough to fit your problem, then water can't reach it and it becomes insoluble.

Still doesn't make a whole lot of sense but I don't think it's meant to. Just a play on the words insoluble and unsolvable.


I've thought of it a lot as well, and I also think it's not supposed to make sense. I think there are many ways you can suit it to fit whatever problem you may have.
-Pack up all your belongings and move
-Suffocate offensive person ;)
-Fill it with items that you hate and burn them all or toss them off a bridge

Be creative!
