MovieChat Forums > Imagine Me & You (2006) Discussion > No Wonder The Married Girl Converted!

No Wonder The Married Girl Converted!

Apart from the fact that Lena is cool and sexy, I think any woman would have gone gay after being with Heck for very long.

He never stopped prattling on in that annoying Huge Grant kind of way.

e.g. when he was in bed going on about making jam and how he should make jam...what an idiot! In fact all the men in this film were either portrayed as bumbling, mumbling fools, or arrogant bastards. Really enjoyed the film though:-)


awww I really liked Heck!!! I think he's super sexy! (but I didn't like that he didn't wash his hands right after peeing.. small thing, I know).

I really loved the father too!!!!!

But I really loved Lena and Piper too, too!!!!

I loved this entire film, too, too, too!!!!!!!

I'm an anglophile so I'm allowed to love the bumbling, mumbling, arrogant 'lads' ;)

"They're all mistakes, children. Glad I never was one."


awww I really liked Heck!!! I think he's super sexy! (but I didn't like that he didn't wash his hands right after peeing.. small thing, I know). funny that filmmakers don't realize the small details a viewer will pick up on..I too went ewww, he peed and didn't wash his hands?!!...I mean he's so posh and all..

I love Matthew Goode..he's incredibly sexy.

Zachary Quinto is ridiculously sexy! Robert Downey pure sex!


I wash my hands when I pee on them, otherwise I don't see the need.


I thought this post was going to be about how it would be impossible NOT to turn gay if Lena Heady fell for you... and I was going to agree! I'm straight, but Lena would definitely tempt me to the other side.

...rolling downhill like a snowball headed for hell...


Totally agree with you Harry!!!!!!!

Each man was more bumbling and idiotic than the next! Right out of the gate when Heck stood up to toast at his own wedding and then could not speak...OMG, so poor Rachel gets up and literally does it for him. That was just it for me. Hector was not a true man. When a woman has to speak for you, well, let's just say that is a deal breaker for me (and most women I think). A man needs to be "the man". And that jam scene, lol, thank you for pointing that out. What a wanker. I think her arousal left the building at that point. As amazing, hot and lovely as Luce was, I think Heck would've eventually lost Rachel all on his own.

I'm a straight girl. This film shows that who we love is not all based on the body's sexual organs. You definitely can fall in love with a person of the same gender. And have hot sex! It might be a new, different type of sex than you're used to...but that doesn't mean it won't also be better ;-) OK, so I'm officially "bi"

still LOL


If Rachel wanted Hec to be "a man" she wouldn't go for a woman. Get it? She didn't leave him because he wasn't a "real man" because then she would leave him FOR a "real man."
Would Hec lose Rachel eventually if Luce wasn't in the picture? Who knows. She married him because like she said, he was her best friend and she mistook it for love. (Important quote was what Rachel said at the end of her confession, "You're my best friend. And it was enough before, it'll be enough again." Was it really enough for her to just have him as a best friend? And was it enough for Hec?)

Eventually she'd probably figure out that she was attracted to women "that way" and what she has with Hec is just friendship. But I don't think she'd leave him unless she fell for someone specific as strongly as she did for Luce.


OOOOOHHHHH agreed!! i know he was supposed to be sweet/cute and although i did feel sorry for him i know i could never have been able to stand someone like that!

Do guys like "the thing"?
They like it better than no thing.


That's kind of sad all if ya'll didn't like Heck because he was a great character. I thought him not being able to do the speech was cute. Not everyone is a great public speaker and that really can be hard for some people to do. Also, throughout the film we are slowly seeing more and more of his vulnerable side. He seemed like a playful person and I think we only really got to see a small side of his personality. Yes he is a sensitive guy, but it's funny how a genuinely nice guy is seen as too soft by women. I suppose the Cooper character was more up everybody's alley? Regardless I really liked Heck and think Rachel was lucky to have him. However, I think Lena seriously would have been hard to resist. She was just damn hot haha in like everything she did.


As a man who is capable of far more than just grilling (ironically, the other day I got the urge to make jam), and dare I say culinarily gifted, I don't think that cuts into my masculinity. And more than one lady over the years has enjoyed my skills if you know what I mean...

Interestingly, Matthew Goode also played Adrian Veidt/Ozymandias in the Watchmen film, where another character speculates he may a homosexual. Given the 80s setting, when in the public eye there was only "one way to be gay" (campy, effeminate), it makes you wonder...

Give Blood Today
God Bless!


People react to films with their own set of reactions & feelings, and that's okay, of course. But I felt like my strong liking for Heck was more than validated by the affection shown for him by the younger sister character, who seemed too sensible to be taken in by a guy we (the viewers) weren't supposed to like.


I agree with you and think the people in this thread are bordering insane. Heck was a perfect guy. It's their own loss really if they want something "manly" as in rude and offensive. I never understood why so many men and women have the need to put down the 'nice guys', to me truly manly man is not about testosterone. I love nice guys. (And I don't like Hugh Grant.) I also doubt any people in this thread really could afford to criticize someone like Heck, like they could really do any better - like they could really even get HIM ;)

I don't think you were supposed to be rooting for anyone in this film. It was just a story about love. How even nice people can get mixed up in weird affairs when love happens in unsuitable places.
