Blanchett's southern accent

I can listen to Cate speak all day in her natural voice but her southern accent was quite painful in this movie.


Brad Pitt sounded British when I first saw this in itd actual holiday seasons 2008 theatrical release then I realized he was in the mkovie Southern then I read up on the mid-Atlantic accent, which especially many people, and entertainers, certainly, or Ben's original eras would have, and rationalised that to be the accent that Brad pitt's using...As for Cate, I liked her accent in Talented Mr.Ripley (1999) I was impressed with her non-Australain AMERICAN accent in that one..

All comments=my own opinion not reflecting my voluptous pinup profile girl, Courtney Thorne-Smith


Not just her, a bunch of them. Its like instead of hiring a voice coach they gave everybody a copy of Gone With the Wind and told them to imitate those accents.
