STILL not canceled???

How come it's not canceled yet?


Basicially it would be canned but I just hope that at least it matches Wayne Brady's run of 2 seasons when it got canned for this dude. But his ratings right now are looking more on the side of getting canned soon enough, he can't get high ratings as Ellen does. That's why I boycotted this show for 3 reasons

1.) He purposely took Wayne's timeslot for his own power of getting his show though he knows that he did but doesn't want to admit it.

2.) His annoying and irritating music he sings at the end making him think he's Sinatra. (No wonder Wayne has 3 emmys and Tony, NONE!)

3.) Wayne Brady when he interviewed Donny Osmond and Tom Bergeron, at least Wayne mentioned Donny's run on PYRAMID and Tom's run on Hollywood Squares besides AFV. Tony didn't give a care in the world to mention either of the 2 shows at all and that is why I'm so happy I boycotted the Tony Damnza show!

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