I was watching the Tony Danza Show this morning(10 A.M. on ABC) and right before one of the commercial breaks, they said that for the first time ever on T.V. the cast of Who's The Boss is reuniting, but they didnt say what day, time or channel. does anyone know when it will be?


actually they had the reunion this morning, the whole cast was there.


did someone record that episode who would be willing to give me a copy? I'll pay for the tape and shipping!!!!!!!


Oh GOD, not another one!!

Danza does a "Who's the Boss" reunion special like every other freakin' month on his show!!! For the most recent one (aired this week), Danza and the other cast members actually recreated old scenes from the show and sh**it. It was PATHETICALLY BAD.

Danza seems to think that "Who's the Boss" was the greatest show in the history of TV or something. It really wasn't. Out of all the crappy sitcoms that came out of the 80's, "WHo's the Boss" falls somewhere between "Small Wonder" and "Just the Ten of Us" in terms of quality.


The best thing that was on "Who's the Boss?" was Alyssa Milano (in my opinion). I saw the reunion and thought it was great, cuz that was the first time I seen them together in real time since the show was on Had a crush on Alyssa and still like her. Even though i've become used to seeing her as Phoebe on "Charmed" seeing her with those people again took me back to when I knew her only as "Sam". As far as Jonathon, I was a kid younger than him and I knew when the show was ON that Danny was gay!! He was the first to register under my great gaydar. Just saying, I felt like I won the lotto when my senses proved me right, that's all. I'm glad that Alyssa and Danny didn't Diff'rent Strokes themselves. So one luv everyone.


I loved the reunion! All the clips of the cast's fave episodes & stuff! Rhoda G (Mrs. Rossini) was awesome 2 see, she still looks the same (so does the rest of the cast-except Danny, did y'all see his new hair? LUV YA WTB! http://wtbr.com :)



I love the little tap routine Tony, Alyssa, and Danny did. It was sweet how Tony taught it to them when they were kids and they used to do it before the tapings of the show.
