Released in UK?

Does anyone know if/when this is ever getting shown in the UK? Or if it's available to buy anywhere?



I know, it's bizarre. It was actually shown in Spain a while ago!



I hope so, apparently it's just been sat on the shelves at ITV, and when you think of the dross they do show it's a real waste. Wonder who's in charge of scheduling there?



I heard its on ITV 9 July


Great, I hope they don't mess with it again......


I'll be very pleased when ITV finally show this. I'm a huge Sarah Smart fan and there just hasn't been enough of her on the TV since The Braithwaites finished.

Dear Buddha, please send me a pony and a plastic rocket.


I just saw an advert for it. Apparently it starts on 12th July.


God damn why do I keep missing the adverts? arg!

I'll see you in Zurich


why has it been given such a high rating? where is it being shown, really confused!!

~ Life moves pretty fast. If you don't stop and look around once in awhile, you could miss it.


It was made 2 years ago and has already been shown in a few European countries, they must have liked it! For some reason 'Jane Hall's Big Bad Bus Ride' is only billed as 'Jane Hall' over here, wonder why? Also, in this weeks TV Times it says it's a great,fun and quirky etc, but in Radio Times it says it's a bit dull, so we shall see........


ok cheers
if british actors are in it why has it taken so long to be shown in this country!
a bit stupid really!

~ Life moves pretty fast. If you don't stop and look around once in awhile, you could miss it.



was on last night



and am so pleased it aired here in NZ - it was great. i LOVED sarah smart in The Braithewaites, and it was great to see her in funny British comedy. gutted i missed the last episode though :-(


It was scheduled to begin a few days after 7 July 2005 and was postponed rather quickly (and had its title "watered down") after the terrorist bomb on board the London bus on 7 July.
