I've seen this doc! It's wonderful!

I was on the second R Family Vacations cruise with Rosie this past July 2005, and this documentary was screened. It is going to be on HBO, but I'm not sure when. The version we were shown seemed to be the final version, so it may be out soon (fall/winter 2005). The title is: "All Aboard: Rosie's Family Cruise". There was some discussion that the documentary may be released in a few theatres prior to being shown on HBO because it would then be eligible for Oscar consideration.

It is a wonderful documentary about families with same-sex parents: their struggles, their joy, their love. Of course, Rosie and her family are the centerpiece and the 'big draw', but it focuses on the stories of several other families with gay and lesbian parents, not only Rosie's. It is very moving, emotional, touching, and courageous. I'm not sure if it is exactly the type of doc that gets Oscar consideration, but I thought it was wonderful.

I should also add that after the screening, Rosie said that this documentary is the single piece of work from her career that she is the most proud of!



. . I also want to know what happens to all those families. If they are reading this, please share with us. Where are you? We have fallen in love with you.



I was sooooo touched by this movie. The 2 guys who adopted the 5 children were great. I would love to see how they are doing now. They were such a loving family and I am so happy these kids will be brought up in such a loving environment.

I hope that donkey doesn't have a heinie troll! (Elias) Clerks II


How fantastic is this doc? I saw it last fall, but it didn't occur to me until it reappeared this spring to dvr it...I should have been asleep 1 1/2 hours ago, but instead I'm up watching this. It just makes me happy, and makes me feel as a bi woman, that no matter who I end up with, I can have a very happy, normal family life! What could be better?


I have wanted to watch this doc since I heard about it over a year go, but never got the chance, until a couple of days ago when it was on HBO, however I only got to see the last 30 mins and am dying to see the rest of it! It was so touching I had to fight to hold back tears for most of the part that I watched and I also found my self quite angry at the hate these beautiful families had to endure. If anyone is interested in seeing it, it re-airs on HBO at 9am on June 1st.
