Humor in horror movies

Although not generally crazy about Bosley's crazy/genius old rabbi, his remark about human women and giant offspring cracked me up. ("That must have been some pregnancy!" Well, that's close anyway.) Maybe it was because I was thinking that just before he said it. I even got a chuckle out of the schmuck biting people in the leg. But the best one was in the previews (What do you mean, where is it? It's a 42 foot tall mummy!). Unfortunately, some of the funny stuff was unintentional, like that wild-eyed little minion who drove the effigy off a cliff. He could have stood some lessons from Ellen Ripley in how to manage a giant exoskeleton.

And although it was kind of a groaner, the sign reading "Beware of falling rocks" visible just before the mummy heaved a boulder the size of a garage at them struck me funny.
