MovieChat Forums > The Fallen Ones (2005) Discussion > The Fallen Ones in the Old Testament

The Fallen Ones in the Old Testament

Seems the idea behind the Fallen Ones is from Genesis 6; the "Nephilim" were the offspring of "the sons of God" and "the daughters of men". Supposedly, they were "mighty men".


I hope they elaborate on that to some extent in the movie. I've never seen anything on that exact theme, although there have certainly been enough "sons of Satan" roaming the silver screen. I thought the Al Pacino/Keanu Reeves team-up in Devil's Advocate was great because they even kind of resemble each other.
Then there are those who maintain that the "sons of God" were actually aliens, and a lot of very early human rulers (early Egyptian dynasties, for instance) were actually human/alien hybrids, as evidenced by DNA evidence that their mummies were larger, taller specimens who evidently had a totally different blood type from the majority of the population. So there's all kinds of background stuff for this movie, whether you believe it or not.


Yes, the Nephilim is mentioned in Genesis 6, but there are more interesting writings about this in one of the apocryphal books of the Bible, The Book of Enoch.That discuss the Nephilim and the Fallen Angels.

At issue is the translation of the passage, in the Greek the translation has confused the word Nephilim with the men of renound or mighty men. Nephilim refers to being down cast. Zachria Sitchen (he has written a lot of books), trained Semitic liguist, translated it to they were the mighty ones of enternity - the people of the SHEM. In terms of being giants, they were perhaps 8 to 10 feet tall.

The movie was a fun way to pass the time...but not factual...



I suppose we could get into a real dustup over whether any of the Bible and its related writings are "factual." But let's not. Probably the only fair way to judge a movie is by its own internal logic, if it has any, because unless you're making a documentary it's all just for fun and anything goes. Frankly I got confused trying to put the whole back story together. Was the girl actually a descendant of Ammon and his "human" offspring with Rachel? If his sons were scattered all over, how did the one flood kill them all? Well, I suppose if you say the flood covered the entire world.... What was the purpose of the effigy scene? I just kept thinking that Van Hook was kind of doing a Lucas, incorporating scenes that were reminiscent of every horror/adventure/fantasy movie he'd ever liked--King Kong and the helicopter, Indiana Jones on his horse (he even wore a funky hat!), God knows who coming from the other side to seduce a human woman, the mummy sensing the presence of his long lost love Ananka (spell it how you will) in a contemporary woman, I could go on and on. But you have to hold all the stuff together logically or your tribute just becomes a mishmash. And actually, I thought Casper's cowboy hat was really cute.



No offense, but Zechariah Sitchin is hardly a "trained Semitic linguist." If you want to see how a bonafide Semiticist responds to Sitchin's arguments, check out this page:

Best wishes,



Thanks for posting this link! I've read some of Sitchin's works, and comments on his theories. It's nice to see a real linguist at work, refuting his nonsense claims. As a student of several ancient languages, it's easy to see how careless scholarship can confuse people. Good thing your source knows his Hebrew; I'm more of a Greek/Latin/New Testament guy. Thanks again!



You beat me to it! Dr. Michael Heiser does indeed know his stuff. His monthly newsletter is a *steal* at $10 for the year. (His novel, The Facade, is a great read, too.)

My wife and I interviewed Mike for our podcast recently, and you can access the interview at Look for shows 3 and 4.

We also interviewed a friend of his, Guy Malone, who hosts the annual Ancient of Days Conference in Roswell, New Mexico (see show #12). Good information on the fallen angels of Genesis 6, and they both offer a lot of information at their websites.

Derek Gilbert
