Fluffy HP

Is it just me or does it seem like they tried saving money by stealing some scenes from Harry Potter and the Sorcer's Stone? If anyone gets a chance, compare the scenes where HP goes down the trap door and when the good guys in this movie fall down the well or whatever. No one probably cares (cept me--neurotically waiting to go home and watch HP) but should anyone wish to comment and give an opinion, you'll ease my mind and help me come to terms with my neurocies (sp?)



Its a 3 headed dog so theres bound to be some overlap of attack types and approaches. It is also a Sci-Fi Channel movie so theres bound to be some copy-catting. It also bears some simmilarities to any given "Treasure Hunter" type movie. Just with a monster tossed in. Especially since more than half the movie focuses on the treasure hunt. Cerberus is allmost an afterthought.
So in this case likely both and more.
