That Ending...

Totaly weird. What? They're just going to switch off from being the girlfriend to the boyfriend every time they have sex? It also didn't really tell you if they would get married as like Luke and Sydney or Luca and Max or anything else like that. Just didn't understand if they were a gay couple or a straight one or what!


sydney was born a guy so basically yeah they are gay but i think the point was they were in love despite the genders


Luke and Sydney were never in love... It was Luke and Michelle.

"It appears my hypocrisy knows no bounds."


It was luke and michelle and then luca and max


The point of the movie is that ultimately it didn't matter. Luke/Luca was in love with Michelle/Max for the inner person not the gender. Therefore, I thought it was pretty cool that in the end they could switch around every time they had sex. Gay, straight, transgendered, why does it really matter?


Yeah I know I thought that was cool also! I am a dork...aaaand have seen this movie twice after hearing of it for the first time...a few days I'm gonna watch it more...but I love that no matter what...they were both really happy!

T~O #1029/T~S~C/T20's/H~O #74/TTTC/TWI PI sister
