MovieChat Forums > Street Kings (2008) Discussion > Keanu Reeves Worst Performance

Keanu Reeves Worst Performance

Wow. Of all his movies I like. From Bill and Ted's excellent adventure to Speed, all the way up to on of my favorite movie franchises of all time, the Matrix, and even the new the Day the Earth Stood Still, I loved them all, but this movie is a disgrace to his portfolio.
This maybe the dullest Keanu Reeves movie ever invented. I don't think/know it's him, but rather his crappy character. The action sucked, the quotes and phrases sucked, they couldn't have slapped him with a worse flick. Did he need the money that bad for this crappy movie? What the hell was he thinking when he took the script?! He's going to play a cool cop?!

Street Kings should be a disgrace to Keanu Reeves fans everywhere. What a horrible movie.


You are high. I thought he was excellent.


What was bad was the easily predictably of this film, not Keanu's performance. He was solid.


Naw he really wasn't

Have you ever came across someone you shouldn't have f-cked with thats me (Gran Torino)


This movie wasn't as bad as everyone is saying...neither was Keanu's acting. Quit hating and just accept the movie for what it was...a half-way decent cop movie with decent acting all the way around.

Shop smart, shop S-Mart.


accept the movie for what it is?
what it is is a justification to a killing spree where one man's standards determine whether one lives or dies or gets a brain damage. reeves's character was a f'cking murderer. a complete lunatic with no logical explanation for his violence. accept murder? no, thank you.


This was bad. Hes been halfway mediocre before but this performance was bad.


But it was part film noir as the director said, every main character was corrupted. The film wasn't a justification for a killing spree, as Washington's wife said "blood doesn't wash away blood".


ops is an idiot. Keanu was actually really good in a badass movie.


i've seen plenty of film noirs but there was nothing like this in any of them and that's not a viable justification to reeves' behavior. the director just f'cked up and he has no other ways out of this than to offer some vague explanation to why things are the way they are in his film in hopes that some people will believe him. "it was film noir" ---that's a ridiculous attempt at justification.

my problem is not with corruption. that was there too. my problem is with one-man jury running the streets and killing off everybody he thinks doesn't deserve to live. it takes a lot more than corruption to go as far as that.



I don't agree with the OP, Keanu showed some damn good acting in this film, that and Forest Whitaker's performance? How the hell was Keanu's worst performance, he was excellent in here. I really believed his performance, and he even held his own with Forest Whitaker, especially at the end.

"I am the ultimate badass, you do not wanna `*beep*` wit' me!" Hudson in Aliens.


You're right, koffeenkreame. Keanu did a fantastic job in his role in this movie. He was probably did an amazing job over Forrest Whitaker here. Those who say did a terrible job just don't understand his acting quality.


You don't understand the character. He is essentially a modern western hero, a 'man with no name'.

Only more realistic. While 'the man with no name' doesn't talk, Reeves character has a limited vocabulary and just from the looks of it is annoyed each time he needs to open his mouth.

His wooden face is because he's such a hardass, who doesn't show emotion. Ironically the most emotion he shows in the film is when he is enraged when his old partner wants to get him investigated for stealing (Reeves doesn't steal, he only executes bad guys). And he does with while being completely ignorant of the rampant corruption and abuse of his police buddies, it's amazing. That makes him not only practically incorruptible but also quite stupid and naive. (no offense)

Reeves characterization is the best thing about the film, which is rather a predictable cop story without much going for it. Great stuff by Reeves,I think he's getting his second wind or something cause he's becoming more active now.


Agreed, subase.


Naw, he really was.




I think you are talking complete crap, this was one of his best efforts over a lot of mediocre roles, and I've seen most of his films.

