MovieChat Forums > Street Kings (2008) Discussion > We need more police officers like Ludlow

We need more police officers like Ludlow

(minus his drinking and racist beliefs).
We need cops that aren't afraid to whoop some ass when it's called for.
White, Black, Yellow, Brown - if you're out causing trouble, your ass is going down.

"Kill 'em all. Let God sort them out."



Ludlow wasn't racist, I think you missed the point of the movie.

Gib: [over radio] Ballsy. Stupid but ballsy.


And i think that if you really believe that 90% of crime is comitted by minorities then there is something else you are missing, some common sense.



Ludlow wasn't racist?!
He used like over 100 racial slurs on Asians alone. I'm not Asian, I'm just saying.

Can you elaborate on your initial response please.
Thank you.

"Kill 'em all. Let God sort them out."


That was part of the plan; to get the Koreans pissed off and beat him up and steal his car so that later he can trace them back to their hideout. Ludlow wasn't a racist.


the problem is, liberal america, that i am NOT a part of..thinks there are too many cops like Ludlow...Liberal America is more concerned about the rights of criminals, and not the victims. They paint the perps out to be victims..and the cops out to be perps.

Me..I'm for returning fire, and kicking asses. I believe in the law..but I believe in justice just a little bit more.

To Hell with them fellas. Vultures got to eat, same as worms.


ludlow definitely not racist.. because he kill demille and clady without hesitation


uh, it's not liberal america.

If anything Ludlow was very liberal in a regard and was so anti racist that he was able to manipulate the racism of others to further his undercover persona and achieve his ends.

Being liberal doesn't have to mean that he shouldn't use the perps own racism or pre disposed racial dispositions against them. They thought he was racist and it played into his overall plan. That doesn't make him racist and it certainly doesn't conflict with a liberal belief system.

We are not enemies, but friends. We must not be enemies.


"Being liberal doesn't have to mean that he shouldn't use the perps own racism or pre disposed racial dispositions against them. They thought he was racist and it played into his overall plan. That doesn't make him racist and it certainly doesn't conflict with a liberal belief system."

Not sure how liberalism got thrown into the pot, but this post says what I came to say. How could any decent person accuse Ludlow of being racist when he took a beating to be able to free a pair of Asian girls kept captive by Korean tormentors?

Ludlow in fact used the Koreans' own race hatred against them by saying something in Japanese, which they in turn found offensive. Obviously he was well aware of race hatreds among Asians and hoped to exploit it (at great personal sacrifice in order to save the poor girls).

Just one more reason for me to like this actor who took on this role so well, and to stand up for him when the haters out there want to cut him down.


Ludlow is supposed to 'play by the bad guys rule-book',and that includes killing in cold blood, beating people up for information and being an *beep* racist.

By doing that he can get close to criminals and take them out that's what makes him the best. The difference is unlike his fellow police, he's incorruptible. (meaning he doesn't kill for pleasure, isn't sadistic and isn't racist)

In fact if we consider that he isn't stupid, then he is so 'good' and moral that he is ignorant of the corruption of the police officers all around him. Hard to believe.


I agree 100%, subase. The things Ludlow are very anti-heroish. He doesn't seem like he likes killing for pleasure, he isn't really sadistic, and even racist at all. Perhaps for him, in order to acheive justice because he lives in a very corrupted and messed up world:reality, he has to get rid of the bad guys that are making the world an even darker place.



Agreed, BobFlame. Tom is the type of cop that does care less about color and more about protecting innocent people, even if he has to get his hands dirty(to which he doesn't have a problem doing).


I think the racist thing is a must.

I think that extracting your stupid ass from the gene pool is a must.

Mainly cause 90% of our crime is caused by Minorities and it was his racism that got things done.

Ludlow was not a racist, but you, on the other hand, are nothing, but a worthless piece of **** racist for making such a baseless, ignorant comment. If you want to "get things done", try getting a brain and some common sense first.


Yeah, I agree with the OP. Too many cops favor their pensions instead of kicking serious ass.

Second poster, you're special.


Second poster, you're special.

Yes he is, but not in a human way.


and a lot less like gates! ha



i agree, we need a cop who will do this,, you know rid the streets of crime once and for all, thank god i live in a decent neighborhood. but just up the road and across town from me is the "hood", so yeah a cop who is not afraid of these hoodlums would be great to see
are you going to bark all day little doggie,, or are you going to bite


I'd say this
you should treat people decently, but if you need to get down and dirty then do it.
Police officers depending on the circumstances need to be saints or sewer workers.
If I had a choice, I would have more Ludlows type officers, saturate the ghetto rap hood neighborhoods with them,and look the other way while they did what they have to do.
what about the decent people that live in those communities? To paraphrase Jack Nicholson's Joker: "Decent people should'nt live here"



No. Ludlow wasn't a racist. Some of his colleagues were various races(black, white, hispanics) and so was his girlfriend and I think another girl he liked.

But yeah. We probably do need more cops like him that are fearless and are willing to give the criminals and bad guys hell.


Nope Ludlow wasn't a racist that's true! And even though we do need cops like that the problem is that if you do anything like Ludlow did you're not getting away with it. Nowadays you have to respect criminal's a** and if you don't you're in a lot of trouble... that's a joke!


Exactly, Larry.


We need more police officers like Ludlow

No, one is enough.
