MovieChat Forums > Street Kings (2008) Discussion > If YOU were shot by a hundred bullets. (...

If YOU were shot by a hundred bullets. (SPOILERS AHEAD)

So let me get this straight, Washington gets shot by 2 gangsters with a grease gun and an M76. The M76 is chambered for 9mm bullets and the grease gun 45 caliber. Both are powerful and even one shot is enough to kill a man, But 60 rounds of 9mm and .45 in your abs. Is it just me, or are the special effects played here just plain stupid. I know this is a fictional movie, but even in real life he wouldnt be breathing. What do you think of this scene?


The movie is just a piece of overrated .....


What's even more silly is watching Ludlow try to put pressure on one of his wounds as if to stop his bleeding before the paramedics arrive. I know he's in a helpless situation and just trying to comfort him, but the guy would be bleeding out of a million different wounds. So yeah, him being alive for even a few seconds is silly.


Well first he wasnt putting pressure on his wounds he was holding his hand the same way he did with Diskant, Also just because he got his with 60 rounds doesnt mean he will die right away unless it hits a serious organ vital for life (heart, brain) In real life, the only way he would die is if he bleeds out which he did.... it wasnt hollywood......


Yeah this movie is pretty retarded all around but I don't understand this sentence

>I know this is a fictional movie, but even in real life he wouldnt be breathing.

What does that even mean?


The coroner said they pulled 18 rounds out him.


Unless you shot into the central nervous system or brain stem there is no guarantee a hundred bullets will stop you.

So since Washington wasn't shot in the brain stem, that scene is one of more realistic death scenes I've seen.

In addition they later mention the crims were using FMJ's, these create smaller holes in a person, so it would take a little longer for someone to bleed out.

And Keanu was just doing what he was trained to do, putting pressure on a particularly bleeding area. People have lived being shot more than 18 times.


Also forgot to mention if a major artery is cut, death can be near instantaneous. According to my bleed out table. That's the case if the heart or major artery 5 inches behind the stomach is severed, you lose conciousness immediately and then bleed to death. Another artery is the carotid artery along the neck used to feel for a pulse, if severed you become unconscious in 5 seconds and are dead in 12.

But due to them being so small, the chances of hitting an artery and severing it completely with a bullet are very small.



IF it does not hit one of your vital organs, the means by which a bullet kills you becomes more long drawn out. Unless your brain shuts off, there's no way for instantaneous death. People have survived (not just stay alive) over 20 gunshots in real life, so it can't be too much of a stretch for a guy to be alive for a few minutes after being hit by 60 bullets. Sure, it's not common, but it could theoretically happen and I'm good with that.


How could they NOT have hit a major/vital organ? They were 2 feet from him and unloading full mags. Between the two of them how did they only hit him 18 times unless the rest went right through him (which is an absolute possibility at that range).

.45 could have taken huge chunks out of him at that range.

Sorry... there's no way they weren't hitting something important that would have kill him instantly.

Stupid scene.


Ayer was probably alluding to Denzel Washington's death in training day.


What gets me is he's just standing there while they unload all those rounds into his body. Just standing there. When someone gets tazed, they fall over immediately like a felled tree. Having a few dozen large caliber rounds fired into your body should be much worse.



tazers pump electricity into you which causes your muscles to contract and expand (your nervous system uses electricity to trigger those responses naturally, but this is like crossing the circuit)

thats what causes the convulsions when tazed.
it is really apples and oranges with being shot
