Raymond the B@st@rd

Does any one know where I can get a picture of Raymond the Bast@d.

Its not that I want to see him naked or anything its just There's a bloke at work who we call it and I wanted a picture to stick up at work.

I got a proposistion for ya lol ha ha ha ha.

If anyone could help me get one I would be really greatful.


I can see if I can cap you one if you like?


Just think of something witty like .....
I came, I saw, I went away again.


Yeah if you could mate id really apreciate it cna't find one anywhere?


Right, send us your email addy and I'll get one sorted for you!!!!


Just think of something witty like .....
I came, I saw, I went away again.


[email protected]

Cheers mate
