MovieChat Forums > Infamous (2006) Discussion > Daniel Craig stole this movie

Daniel Craig stole this movie

just saying. After seeing all three movies on the subject, DC was the best.

Son, you can't polish a turd


I have to respectfully disagree. I love Daniel Craig and feel he was the best thing about Infamous but no way did he capture Perry Smith the way Clifford Collins did in Capote. Perry Smith was evil and insecure at the same time. Collins was out and out robbed of a Supporting Actor nomination.


I agree. I think Clifford Collins should have at least gotten a Best Supportkng Actor Oscar nomination. Craig was okay, but less powerful, in my opinion.

The Perry Smith/Capote romance also seemed a little embellished in "Infamous." I highly doubt the two ever made out, but I guess we will never know for sure.


Robert Blake and Scott Wilson will always be Perry and Dick to me.

Scott Wilson was particularly great. Of course he is terrific in everything he does.


sorry but nobody but nobody will ever
come close to robert blake's portrayal of perry smith in
the original in cold blood.
as dark and brooding and dangerous as surely the real
life one was.
daniel craig is a talented actor but he portrays
smith as just too likeable. he's just not scary enough
compared to blake who really was as scary and unstable
in real life as the character he played in
in cold blood.
chilling beyond belief. it has stayed with me
for nearly fifty years.


Craig certainly did a good job in this film. The part was written with a lot more depth than the roles in the other two movies though. This film was much more of an emotional experience. For that reason, I liked it much better. But I think Toby Jones and other incidental actors added to the reality along with Craig. He certainly is much more than just James Bond.


I agree mnbush. Daniel Craig may have played the role more sympathetic but I don't care. . . .I loved looking at Daniel Craig!!!!
