MovieChat Forums > El perro (2004) Discussion > an uncomfortable watch?

an uncomfortable watch?

Even though I enjoyed this movie from a cinematic perspective I found it so uncomfortable to watch. I kept waiting for somebody to take advantage of the lead character, especially Walter. It also seemed to me that Villegas disapproved of the dog show world, there was always seemed to be a vague discomfort on his face, was this merely confusion on his part? I think it will be more enjoyable on the second watch. Thoughts?


I know what you mean - I'm always waiting for the potential disaster that can occur. I sometimes think that certain films obey what I think of as the cinematic laws of gravity, which forewarn the astute viewer that - for example - a certain character must die, or be denigrated, as the case may be. It's a films like this that hint at those conventions, but there's never really any follow through.

The lead actor being an amateur actor (more or less) adds to what you describe - he's not indicating anything one way or the other, which can lead one to suspecting the worst.

My two cents.


I thought it was an incredibly powerful film without the emotions being over emphasised if that makes sense. The makers obviously felt that the story itself and the connection between man and beast was deep enough to really tug at the heart strings without having to really force it down our throats. I couldn't help but shed a tear of joy or two at the end and there's not many films that have done that. (One of them being Cool Runnings!)


"there was always seemed to be a vague discomfort on his face"
i think it was due to him expecting something bad to happen...
considering he lost his job and was having a hard time finding new employment...

Life happens while your making plans...


I think that is probably an accurate discription, thanks.


In parts, uncomfortable, but the tone of the film overall suggested that Villegas would either stand up for himself at some point, or some lasting good fortune would come his way. I thought Walter did take advantage of him, and I'm pretty sure the dog didn't escape, but rather was chased away when he was no longer valuable for stud. Villegas might have disapproved of the dog show world, but he was caught up in everyone else's enthusiasm and lacked the cojones to resist.


I just hope they were happy together at the end. Because the movie at first led me to believe it would be a story about deep friendship between man and dog but was a little 'edgy' in the sense it was more about his need to survive and use Bombon in this...of course, I still feel he loved Bombon and related to him when he was in a cage and all alone and that is why he disapproved slightly of the dog shows..he is his own man and needs noone to tell him what to do with his life...he and Bombon are one. And this is what made this movie number one for me.Beautiful.Beautiful Bombon.


I too exptected something to go wrong, especially when I saw Villegas and Walter walk in at the dog show. The truth is that there is nothing wrong cinematically speaking with a film where even though the main character seems sometimes weak and prone to things going wrong, nothing actually goes particularly wrong. To be honest I enjoyed the movie a lot, and loved the main character and his relationship to Lechien. It was really something different to see nothing go terribly wrong although all the clues were there, and I also liked how open the director left the ending. It might not be one of the greatest movies ever made, but it's one of those I will definitely remember, and maybe watch a couple more times.

Did you ever find Bugs Bunny attractive when he put on a dress and played girl bunny?


some things are simple, as this movie,
this is an excelent movie, better than so many, in which directores spent millions in production, special effects, i feel proud of this movie, enjoy it!


I couldn't agree more.I am so totally fed up of all the hollywood bollywood movies, most of them so predictable, so repetitive. And, honestly, I can't stand another Pitt-Cruise-DiCaprio-et al-clone-actor.

El perro is so refreshingly different.


First of all, I think there was a clear parallel in the strong domineering personality of his daughter over all around her, and that of Walter over the dog. And Villegas clearly didnt like either.
Villegas was certainly a very sensitive character and didnt feel comfortable in many situations. There were lots of clues to his nature. Lots of situations where you could see he wasnt happy with what what going on. He said he was married but hadnt seen his wife in 20 years, the way he was regarding work, the timidity he had in many scenes. It was this sensitivity, for me, that made the film amazing. There are few films that delicately address the issue, and this one was a complete success. I loved it, and as a dog person, for once, it wasnt because of the dogs! Human nature shone through. It makes a pleasant change.


It's called tension. :)


i think that the vague discomfort was purely down to the fact that everything seemed to have gone wrong in coco's life. it felt, to me at least, as if he was almost resigned to the fact that this was all too good to be true and he expected it to go wrong, like his marriage, like his job, like his knife selling.

i also feel that lechien and coco mirrored each other in that lechien was a great dog, 'a fine specimen', yet couldn't propagate... likewise, coco was a great human being, in fact the reason he obtains lechien is down to an act of selflessness and driving 150 km to help out a broken down damsel. Furthermore, both walter and the other breeds insisted that both lechien and coco needed help. le chien to have sex and coco to become a dog exhibitor and breeder. by the end, however, both coco and lechien have overcome their respective problems by themselves and they go off together into the distance for the start of whatevers next.


i thought it was a nice, gentle but bittersweet drama for the most part but i did wonder if it was going to have a very downbeat ending - instead it was a heartwarming ending from a quite unlikely image!


Yes, I shared that uncomfortable "waiting for something bad to happen" feeling! I also felt that Villegas disapproved of the dog show world, but I think this was my projection; he is surely too humble to allow himself to make judgements(neither would I accuse him of disapproving of his sister).
