Wolf symbolism

Does anyone care to guess what the wolf was supposed to mean? Was it a symbol for something/someone?


It was mentioned by another poster that the different eye colour the wolf had, symbolized the two possible ways to interpret this movie (either Darin's trip really happened, or it was all a "dream" he had during one of his epileptics attacks).

I did it! And without any brain damage-amage-amage-amage-amage...


The dog/wolf is a symbolism of the man inside the man, the wild inside the calm...

The dog of the movie try to be a wolf, killing sheeps like them, but, deep inside, his just a dog...

Like the principal character, who try to be a criminal, but he's a simple man.


One word: Steppenwolf



I thought it was directly related to the wife-beating theme that is hidden in movie. Diana is very defensive of the wolf when it is accused of killing a land owner's sheep, even if though it seems the wolf is the only thing capable of killing them. But the Taxidermist sees the wolf come back at night with blood on its muzzle. I'm still mulling the idea over, but the general principle seems appropriate given the dog's relationship with both Diana and the Taxidermist.



I didn't even consider that the blood on the muzzle was from the sheep, I assumed it was from the wolf eating the dead body left out at the shack.


neither wolves, nor dogs are scavengers.



When Esteban killed Dietrich, the dog saw the former as the alpha male, and in dog/wolf fashion accepted him as his new master. As for the end, I think since Esteban had probably been ridiculed all his life and treated as less than manly, he now in a twisted way felt that he had changed places with Dietrich, pulled off the heist, and now had his dog and possibly the money and was now the alpha male.


I think the dog, not wolf, is the taxidermist's conscience. Only the dog and the man know what really happens and he guides, and helps, the man during his voyage.

Chaos reigns


I think the dog, not wolf, is the taxidermist's conscience. Only the dog and the man know what really happens and he guides, and helps, the man during his voyage.

Great theory.


I think the dog, not wolf, is the taxidermist's conscience. Only the dog and the man know what really happens and he guides, and helps, the man during his voyage.

Excellent theory.
