The -N-

really wish they would bring back The N. Teen Nick sucks so badly. It has No new shows. All they show are old shows that they cancelled with the exception of Degrassi. Degrassi needs to end already,It should have ended when all of them(Ellie, Paige,Marco) went off to college the new group are just annoying and there is no "shock" value.

Nickelodeon needs to bring back The N as a separate channel geared at 16 to college aged.With shows similar to Instant Star, South of Nowhere(still pissed they ended it)The Best years(season one) I may be leaving some shows out but shows like those. Well written dealt with real stuff wasn't too graphic but not tongue in cheek either. They can put it on at a later time slot and just test it out for a season no watering it down just leave it be and if it does well keep it and if it fails then scrap it.

For Teen or as i like to say Tween Nick:Have shows like Icarly, Big Time Rush, Victorious,Supah Ninjas and maybe bring in some new shows similar to Drake and Josh and Ned's Declassified(Which i think was funny and cute and did offer tips in a good way) Maybe some shows that aren't focused on "making it big". or having to be "popular and pretty". Just shows that show all types of teens gay straight, African American, Hispanic, Asian, Caucasian, Middle Eastern etc. Thin, curvy, plus size. just something different.


I have to disagree with "bringing the-n back" because it was just a name change. The-n took a dive for the worse way before the name change.

All of these shows that made the channel - Instant Star, South of Nowhere, beyond the break, The best Years, ETC

These all left before the changed the channels name to TeenNick and before the decision to change the name.

Changing the name to TeenNick didn't ruin the channel. It was already ruined as the-n

Instant Star got canceled and taken off Summer 2008

Beyond the break was already canceled when Season 3 aired in 2009 because it was postponed - for 2 years

The best years ended May 2009 due to low season 2 ratings. South Of Nowhere ended Dec. 2008

BUT The name change happened in September 2009

It doesn't suck because it's teenNick. It started sucking as the-n.

All of these Nick Shows went onto the channel as soon as the-n became a 24 hour network. They were just easier to deal with with the shows that made the channel still being on

These shows that made the channel still need to be on. But they're not on because it's now TeenNick and not the-n
