
In yesterday's episode it was un-natural. While Sol is working in a TGI Fradays type places the INS come in and arrest of of the illegal workers.
The unrealistic parts were: They arrest one worker and not the boss. When the girls go scattering, no agent follows them.

Finally the English spoken to make it look real is in a thick Brazilian accent and wrong. "She was catched"

This show gives Brazilian a false hope to cross into America.


I'm an American do you think if this is shown in America. Would you say that we will or won't like this show if it was shown here. And are the acting any good or lack there of.


i love this show- personally i dont think a lot of americans will enjoythe show , as it sterotypes the usa, just as the usa has sterotyped brasil in the past media . compared to a lot of other novellas, i think its good, a little messy at times with somany plots , but i like it.


thank you for your insight of the show.



I'm an American, and unless you speak Spanish and watch Telemundo, you wont be seeing it. The show idealizes the American dream. There was an interesting sidebar in a Brazilian magazine on the show with the consulor general of the American Consulate in Rio.





@ saopaulo1
I was surprised to hear you were American because some of your written in English reminds me of that of certain Brazilian friends of mine. But then again, you have probably lived in Brazil for a very long time as your screen name suggests.

I’m very curious about this soap, simply because of the topic it deals with a subject which is particularly popular amongst Brazilians. There is this mentality that going abroad will sort their lives out and will and promise them the dream, but I was wondering how realistic "America" is. I have been told by a Brazilian that although it was a good idea for a soap the result is quite terrible, everything is unrealistic, the acting is pretty poor and they suggest that migrating to America (and even marry a gringo to get a green card) is something Brazilians have to do if they want to succeed in life. Obviously I cannot comment on this because I have not even been able to see it yet, but maybe I’ll get a chance if the DVD ever becomes available abroad.

Who plays the gringo parts? Are they really gringos or all Brazilian? Do they manage to get away with it?


i'm portuguese and like others i have the dream of go to the u.s.a, but i don't think that it's necessary to marry someone or to walk through a desert to get there. i'm only fourteen and maybe i'm only dreaming but there is other ways to get there, right?
i think that they are only showing the worst way to get there. anyway that's why it's called a soap.

but i like this soap very much. it's cool to watch.
sorry if you don't agree with what i have said and sorry about my english.


The gringos are played by Brazilians. There's a teacher in Miami, who just happens to speak Portuguese.

The fact is the this show will give Brazilians a false hope, and right now Brazilians are #2 when it comes to illegals caught trying to cross the border.


Thats true...

I cant watch that soap... It just gets me frustrated from soo many realistic things...!

Im brazilian and i live in the US for a While now... and i have the brazilian channel, GLOBO, here at home... There arent any good soaps out right now... just the infamous "MALHACAO" which is ok...


you have to be kidding..
what about " A lua me Disse"? E a melhor novela das 7 em anos, desde "Salsa e Merengue, tambem de Miguel Falabella. Eu adoro e sei que todo dia e barraco na certa!


Hey London,

There is only one real gringo in the soap, who is also a country singer from here ( I live in the US, and am Brazilian). i watch the soap sometimes and have to tell u that i was really excited until it started, because it is really boring. ZNot the usual work of Gloria Perez, the writer who is a respecful one in Brazil and has done several (consecutive) sucessful jobs.
Most of the gringos are played by Brazilian actors, and they all speak Portuguese. That i understand...you know 90% of Brazil watches the soap, and it would reduce the number of viwer if you had subtitleds there...
You can watch just like I do at Globo's website at http://gmc.globo.com/GMC/0,20986,2465,00.html

Pls let me know if you have any questions.


Thank you for the info Mneres, I will have a the web site you sent!


the soap is great for Brazilians, but i don't see Americans liking it... it's too dramatic and it doesn't develop like a soap should. It has been over 4 months now and all Sol does is cry and hasn't even applied for her green card yet because of some charges of drug posession. I think the writer frogot that the soap only lasts fro 8 months...Sol ( ther main character) should now be a citizen and start making her way back to Brazil.


i think this opera soap sucks!
annoying and ridiculous, sol sucks, tiao sucks, the funk trend sucks,all sucks!
I attended "xica da silva that" was very better.
