Who else identified with...

The hewitts ?
I just hated the young fornicating young people,, th draft dodger should have bern anally raped , his brother too espbeing mean to hoyt at 1:22:00 .. Young people attacking their elders and betters ..
I would have sided with hoyt , would have come up agaimst that blood *beep*
And clocked him enough so he could really know the meaning of pain

check yourself before you wreck yourself BOI!!


No. Not at all. They had an undeserved sense of justice and entittlment. It sucks they fell victim to the war and I get that they had to eat people to survive and all, but not everyone they come in contact with should have to suffer for what they went through.

Though when it comes to the 2003 remake, I could not feel sorry for the group of teens they killed. The whole going to Mexico to get drugs mostly did it for me and Erin trying to be some saint was more annoying than it was sweet. Especially since she was in a group full of selfish people, to begin with.


An easy assimption to maje would be they're Californians ..

I just sympathise with small town folk who are met with mockery by entitled young people from out of state.


