One-sided half-truths

What I found interesting was the complete one-sidedness of this issue. Nothing was mentioned of the Clinton speeches with the same message, nor of the Democrats who also supported an Iraq War. Senator John Kerry said "the threat of Saddam Hussein with weapons of mass destruction is real" on 23 January 2003. I don't have the time to include more quotes, but I can if requested.

This film was nothing more than 56 minutes of anti-Bush propaganda. It commits the same sins it accuses the Bush Administration of committing: omitting facts. As a result, it comes across as waste of film. But, anti-war people will gobble this garbage up.


The fact that you wrote this comment in 2009 leaves me puzzled...
Are you still hoping that WMDs will be found in Iraq?

If you're arguing that the documentary glosses over the democrats caving in to W (vote to allow the use of force in Iraq, patriot act etc), then I would tend to agree. There are many sources (eg PBS Bush's war, Obama's war ...) which go into more detail into those aspects. This documentary may omit some facts, but at least it doesn't FABRICATE any.

At the end of the day, some things are one-sided: the earth isn't flat, and Iraq had no WMDs. The intelligence was fabricated and manipulated to launch a war under false pretense. And it wasn't Clinton, or Nixon who launched that war, but G W Bush, D Cheney, D Rumsfeld, C Rice, C Powell, G Tenet and their close associates. Moreover, the lies were followed by criminal incompetence and Iraq today is a failed state. Up to 1 million people died. Trillions of $ wasted. 1000s of new terrorists created.

The US voters are still waiting for those responsible to be held accountable... That's the part were the Democrats forgot to grow a spine.


Considering I did a research paper on this for college, I can provide proof there were WMDs in Iraq. News reports verify. Newspapers verify it. Military intelligence verifies it.

No matter how much yuo squawk, you cannot deny the FACT that WMDs were discovered. Try as hard as you may, you are still wrong.


If you are so certain about it, then cite your sources


Still waiting for your sources....



Opened my window to listen to the news
But all I heard was the establishment blues!
