Lousy flick.

They should've called it "The Tiffany Shepis Show". I love Chiller Theatre, but a first-hand experience is infinitely more interesting than this.


"Lousy Flick" and "The Tiffany Shepis Show" together? It makes no sense.

Live In Defeat


You obviously haven't seen "Death Factory".

Or "Scarecrow".

Or "Delta Delta Die".

Or "Abominable".

Or "Vinyl Dolls".



Chiller has gone through a metamorphasis since this (althought Shepis is there every year without fail). This is always one of the best cons to cover fun wise, and this captures some of that.


I agree with that. I make the trek to Chiller every year, and I miss the Sheraton. The new hotel sucks.


Unconventional was crap .You would never know how fun that show was if you weren't there. It looked like a boring con the way it was done. There was almost 0 footage of the dealers tables. They acted like Shepis, Hansen and Gonzo were the stars of the con. Gonzo? I forgot that clown even existed. Granted they made fun of him, but I wouldn't give him more than 2 minutes air time. The party at night looked like a snoozefest they way it was filled when it was a lot of fun.

Larry The Cable guy swallows


Good point. I was actually there that weekend (it was the October '03 show, not the '04 or '05 one like some descriptions have claimed) and it was a lot more fun than the movie made it seem.
