So far I thought...

... that "on hostile ground" was the worst Disaster-movie ever, but this movie has just proven me wrong. THIS ist the worst Disaster-movie EVER! It actually is THAT bad, I should actually sew the producers, because this is frigging close to criminal assault to my brains.



SyFy aired this movie on TV tonight, and followed it with one that was WORSE!
I believe it was titled "2012: ICE AGE", and featured an entire volcano range erupting and dislodging the entire ice shelf of Greenland, and sending it at 200 MPH toward the USA, obliterating Bangor, Maine and headed fast toward New York.
In a typical SyFy movie with their keen attention to detail, they keep referring to F-16s while aircraft with two vertical tails are on the screen... sorry, no such. Best case would be F-18 (Hornet, Super-Hornet), but it looked to me more like the (old) F-14 with the wings swept back for supersonic speed, (think Tom Cruise and TOP GUN), another oops if that was the case, but both those aircraft have two engines, and one for F-16. They eventually did show F-16s though, and several others that were also called F-16s. (**SIGH**)

Throw in cold waves SO strong that exposed people are frozen (blue!) in mid stride, and enormous chunks of the glacier (iceberg?) are blasted into the air and fly miles as a result of the jets hitting the ice with missiles (hmmm, don't think so...). Naturally, they eventually resort to multiple nuclear weapon strikes...

Oh, it features "probie" from NCIS.
And the rest is just far too unbelievable to even mention.
