Tão mau...

Pela primeira vez em dois ou tres anos dei mais uma oportunidade ao cinema português... E sai-me esta porcaria...
Os actores tão ridiculos, a história é anedótica e previsível. O realizador quis dar uma de "pra-frentex" com esta forma de filmar, e so obteve filmagem irritante. O strip e o plano de meia hora no decote da isabel figueira (sim, eu sei, é um graande decote) era perfeitamente escusado.
Filme ridiculo. E aos que votaram 9 ou 8 neste filme, tenham juízo...

"Look at us...I'm frozen, you're dead...And I love you!"


Tem piada, só falas mal do strip com a Matadinho e do decote da Isabel Figueira. Dever ser gay ou uma gaja invejosa!


Nem um nem outro. Mas ao ver um filme, sou um bocadinho mais exigente que só querer ver gajas boas...

"Look at us...I'm frozen, you're dead...And I love you!"


ja aprendias a falar por ti! eu curti largo

great movie


então contentas-te com muito pouco.


Eu até curti o filme. A cena que eu sempre me passo é a sonoplastia. Nem eu, nem os meus colegas (portugueses de gema) conseguimos entender alguns diálogos! Os actores precisam de aulas de dicção. Dá para entender porque é os brasileiros às vezes não nos entendem ;-)



Pra qem gosta de MOliveira, sim, dve ser uma ganda B**ta.

Mas uma coisa é certa, é divertido e sai-se bem disposto, não como é costume no cinema português é q só tratam de misérias e coisas tristes.

Volta Vasco Santana, o povo precisa de ti...

É q mesmo o ciné brit (o melhor do mundo) qdo falam de coisas tristes não são miseráveis, eu não sai a xorar ao ver o Vera Drake, nem no Mar Adentro dos nossos vizinhos... S fosse feito em PT seria do piorio...

Eu gosto de cinema com estória, boa estória, é óbvio q este Sorte Nula peca nisso, bolas pra tanta coincidência, foi demais, mas saí bem disposto e isso já vale alguma coisa neste canto triste.



Este filme é um ripoff desastroso do 11:14!!

Que tristeza...


siiiiim, o Vasco Santana!! Recuperar esse género é que era! Mas lógicamente não vai ser o Fragata a fazer isso. Para mim este filme é "falsamente modesto" (para além de pobre). Sabem o que é falsa modéstia? Eu digo: é arrotar uma posta de pescada de filme como quem diz "assim é que é giro", como quem condena o chamado "cinema clássico europeu", onde se enquadra por exemplo o Manuel de Oliveira, de facto mt chato.

Que se condene o Oliveira e se faça diferente, mt bem, agora por favor que sejamos mais inspirados. Para mim, este filme é uma perda de tempo. Não ensina, irrita e é menos enterteniente do que ficar à janela a ver quem passa.


tenham calma... ainda apanham uma ulcera


Epah tou ctg, ainda só vi meia hora e já tou a pensar se vejo o resto ou não!É mto mau mm..enfim


Acabei de ver o filme, pelo q tinha ouvido sinceramente esperava melhor. A historia era um pc previsivel, pc básica em certos aspectos forçada.
A parte mais engraçada p mim, é a parte qd o recluso se prepara p bater c o taco na cabeça do chico e é perfeitamente visivel no lado direito do ecra, o cameraman.


É visivel porque viste uma versão ripada no computador. Na TV não se vê! Para a proxima vê no cinema ou compra o DVD e vê na TV que talvez fiques melhor servido.


Epah ripado ou não acho muito má onda aparecer... Eu também reparei.

this is my life and it's ending, one minute at a time...


Tão mau, tão mau que até mete pena. Tudo é forçado,...e sem o mínimo de bom gosto...Enfim...do Fragata não se pode esperar mais....
Meu conselho...."Fragata...pega na tua DV e nos teus amigos e faz os filmes que quiseres para ti,...não ponhas é o pessoal a perder 90 minutos a ver coisas desprezíveis"


As coisas ripadas não caem do céu...
Se está ali, é porque está também no DVD, ou porque aparece no cinema, ou porque aparece onde quer que seja de onde aquilo foi ripado.

Fora isso, até gostei do filme, foi razoavelzito.


Segundo o que ouvi, uma das versões piratas é dum DVD com uma pré-montagem do filme. A versão final do DVD não tem essa cena onde se vê o elemento da equipa no canto. Mas mesmo que fosse essa a versão final, o que não faltam são grandes produções de Hollywood como esses defeitos ou ainda piores. Mas é incrivel com o pessoal adora apontar o dedo! Outra das muitas coisas incriveis que este filme conseguiu foi ter pessoal a comentar o filme aqui no Message Board do IMDB (e em muitos outros lados). Acho que é o unico filme tuga da historia que conseguiu isso! : )


Há uma coisa que se chama "safe frame", que é uma margem na imagem que não aparece na TV. Neste caso, não sei se a camera aparece dentro da "safe frame", mas se não aparecer, não a vais ver na TV, mas vês na "versão" ripada, porque possivelmente a viste no PC.


Em baixo segue-se uma lista interminável de erros (membros da equipa visiveis, equipamento, anacronismos e continuidade) encontrados no filme de James Cameron, The Terminator-Judgment Day. Um filme que custou 100 Milhões de Euros. Se no Sorte Nula que custou uns miseros 150Mil euros só encontram o erro em que se vê um membro da equipa (que ainda por cima não se vê no cinema nem na TV). Então é mesmo caso para dizer que o Fernando Fragata é um génio!

Goofs for
Terminator 2: Judgment Day (1991)

Continuity: When the T-1000 first arrives, he check's John's record via the computer in the police car. It lists his age as ten and his birth date as 2/28/1985, placing the movie's events after 2/28/1995. However, when they are leaving the gas station, the Terminator tells Sarah Connor that in three years Cyberdyne becomes the largest supplier of military computer systems, and we learn that Skynet goes online on 8/4/1997 (much less than three years later).

Continuity: The Terminator jumps his Harley off a ledge down into a ravine. In the first shot of the jump, the ledge he jumps from is pointed. In the next shot, it's flat.

Revealing mistakes: Steam throttles clearly visible when the Terminator throws the biker onto the stove.

Continuity: The Terminator's cigar burn disappears for some scenes.

Continuity: When the Terminator snatches the shotgun, it takes its hands off it twice.

Continuity: During the escape from the mental institution, the T-1000 fires 26 shots from a pistol that can hold no more than 13 rounds.

Continuity: When the Terminator steps out of the elevator to face the swat team at the Cyberdyne building, his grenade belt is in a different position.

Continuity: Sara's hands when she is doing the chin-ups.

Audio/visual unsynchronized: John's bike's throttle sound doesn't match the throttle action.

Continuity: John's bike has a four-stroke engine, but sounds like a two-stroke.

Continuity: The T1000 fires rounds into the Terminator's back, but the damage to its jacket disappears when he is thrown through the window. Director James Cameron said the scripting of this sequence at the time of filming was different.

Revealing mistakes: The red car wrecked at the beginning of the bike chase was already severely damaged.

Crew or equipment visible: Camera in protective box visible on the side of the truck.

Revealing mistakes: A ramp is visible when the tow truck jumps into the aqueduct.

Continuity: As Sarah drags Douglas into the room, his foot snags his flashlight and it follows him through the door. In the next shot, it is back in the hallway again

Crew or equipment visible: The camera and a large stage light are reflected just above the tow-truck's grille as the camera pans upward to show the T-1000 through the battered windshield.

Revealing mistakes: Sparks emerge from the truck before it scratches the wall.

Continuity: Position of John's bike as it is run over.

Continuity: The Terminator cocks the shotgun just before the tire rolls out of the fire, yet when talking to John in the next scene he removes a spent shell.

Continuity: At the car park where the Terminator and John have a talk, the automatic pistol is (un-)cocked.

Incorrectly regarded as goofs: At the playground, when Sarah desperately tries to warn people, the shockwave blasts everything (even the charred flesh from the bones) but the little horse on a spring in the background doesn't move at all. Since this is a dream sequence, it doesn't have to obey the laws of nature.

Continuity: The location of the pistol that the Terminator places on the ground.

Continuity: Blood on floor during Sarah's escape from hospital.

Crew or equipment visible: When the T-1000 is about to kill the security guard in the mental institute a crewmember is reflected in of one of the vending machines.

Continuity: On the platform at the factory, Sarah manages to shoot the T-1000 seven times despite only having six rounds left in the shotgun.

Revealing mistakes: Obvious stunt double for Terminator when he cuts his motorcycle around behind the cars after he sees John Connor for the first time in the freeway.

Continuity: The Terminator's sunglasses get broken, and later the wrong side is shown to be damaged.

Continuity: The distance between the bars on the gate that catch the T1000's gun.

Continuity: The T1000 runs past Dr Silberman twice, once while firing, and once while not.

Revealing mistakes: As the trio leave the hospital in the stolen police car and the Terminator is driving it backward out of the garage and through the parking lot, a stunt driver is visible in the backseat.

Continuity: The getaway car stolen from the gas station is broken into by smashing the side window. Later the window is shown intact but wound down.

Crew or equipment visible: Camera lights reflected in glass in shot behind Dyson as Sarah Connor laser-scopes him.

Revealing mistakes: The glass door to Dyson's office is clearly breaking (as if being shot) a moment before the first shots are fired by Sarah Connor.

Continuity: The magazine's on Dyson's coffee table when Sarah has him pinned down on his back.

Continuity: John's watch shows times between 10:35 and 12:00 as he tries to ease Sarah down after she nearly kills Dyson.

Crew or equipment visible: Camera and lower half of crew reflected in the T1000's sunglasses as it cruises through the fires in front of Cyberdyne.

Crew or equipment visible: Camera crew visible reflected in the glass of the Cyberdyne lobby.

Revealing mistakes: The tanker truck's front grille is already damaged before the Terminator destroys it with the grenade.

Continuity: In the shot where the T-1000 drives the truck off the street and into the canal to chase John Connor, the axle breaks down completely when hitting the ground. In the next shot the truck is stable again.

Crew or equipment visible: After Terminator has arrived from the future and is walking towards the bar, the camera is reflected in the small window in the door before he opens it.

Continuity: Number of rounds left in teargas gun as the Terminator walks outside.

Continuity: The SWAT truck loses a wing mirror as it crashes into the lobby, but it reappears later.

Continuity: Before Sarah and the T-1000 begin shooting at each other during the SWAT truck/police chopper chase, the two vehicles are seen near a car that loses control and crashes. Later in the chase (before they pass the tanker truck) the same car is seen again, losing control and crashing again.

Continuity: In the tanker truck/pick-up truck chase, after the tanker rams the pick-up and destroys the wooden shelter in the bed, you can see the Terminator turn the steering wheel right but the truck turns left instead

Continuity: When the SWAT van crashes through Cyberdyne's front doors into the lobby, it comes to rest with the rear doors closed. When Sarah and John Connor enter it, it's in a different position and the rear doors are fully open.

Continuity: The SWAT truck's left (right) back door is open as they escape from Cyberdyne.

Continuity: The tires on the police bike change to knobby trials tires.

Revealing mistakes: When the T1000 is hanging on the front of the helicopter, it is merely a stunt player dressed in aluminum foil.

Continuity: The hole that the T1000 head-butted in the helicopter windscreen disappears and reappears.

Continuity: The front of the helicopter is destroyed in the collision with the SWAT truck, and yet appears intact later.

Continuity: When the truck tilts over on the bridge, its front window is thrown out and smashed. When we see the semitrailer pass by, the front window is almost intact and back in place.

Revealing mistakes: Black sock covering real arm visible when mechanical arm crushed.

Revealing mistakes: After the Terminator's mechanical arm is freed from the cog, his real arm covered with a black sock is visible under his leather jacket. The outline of a wrist watch under the sock is also visible.

Continuity: In the helicopter chase of the police van, Sarah Connor is wounded in the left leg and John Connor applies a tourniquet to her leg. In the end of the climax scene, as she stands on the catwalk above the molten steel, the tourniquet appears to be on her right leg.

Continuity: Sarah shoots (and hits) the T1000 seven times with the shotgun. The T1000 shows five damage points, and only one of the missing two is explained by its morphing from Sarah's shape into the cop shape. The six shot placements after that morphing process are as follows: 1) chest (right side), 2) chest (center/left, 'heart'), 3) 'stomach', 4) right shoulder (hit point is only seen after next round), 5) right shoulder, high, 6) left shoulder. Possible explanation: First hit point already fully closes 'off screen' while Sarah is still shooting.

Incorrectly regarded as goofs: The T1000 is able to fly a helicopter (which requires two hands), and shoot a gun at the same time, because it grows extra hands specifically for this purpose.

Continuity: The watch on Sarah's right wrist.

Continuity: When the Terminator's arm is crushed in the machinery cogs, his jacket gets torn but a moment later it's not.

Incorrectly regarded as goofs: In The Terminator (1984), when asked why Reese had not brought a "ray gun" through the transporter, "It cannot cope with metallic objects- something to do with the field". Hence, the Terminator has an organic covering (skin & flesh). While in T2 the T-1000 is a "polymetal alloy", we didn't see it transport; it might have had an organic covering that it shed. Also, arguably, "polymetal" could be organic, and the transporter may be more sophisticated.

Incorrectly regarded as goofs: Bullet holes are visible in the roof of the SWAT van when it crashes; these were from the showdown with the Terminator, not the later fight with Sarah and the T1000, which was confined to the back.

Continuity: In the freeway chase scene between the Terminator in the SWAT van and the T-1000 in the helicopter, the bullet holes in the back door where Sarah is changes in size and position between cuts.

Revealing mistakes: The flaming tire rolls out of the tow-truck wreck in an unrealistic manner.

Revealing mistakes: The stock of the Terminator's grenade launcher is mysteriously splintered.

Continuity: The T1000 smashes the head of the Terminator with the rolling girder clearly scraping the Terminator's flesh. There is no flesh or blood on the girder when he pulls it back.

Incorrectly regarded as goofs: The color of the Terminator's T-shirt changes from black to pale blue/grey overnight as he stands sentry in the abandoned gas station. However, the bullet holes also disappear, which means it's a different shirt, probably one that was at the garage.

Continuity: The security guard buys a cup of coffee that has a poker game on it. The guard says he has a full house (three of a kind plus a pair). It is obvious that the cup has two pairs and the card on the bottom does not match either pair.

Revealing mistakes: When John and the Terminator are in the phone booth, the damage to the phone is visible before the Terminator bashes it in. Possibly only visible in pan-and-scan version.

Errors in geography: Shots of the canals and overpasses are out of sequence during the chase.

Revealing mistakes: Obvious stunt double for John Connor in several shots during the bike chase, particularly when he cuts in front of the white truck.

Continuity: During the liquid nitrogen tanker/pickup truck chase near the end of the film you can see in the close-ups that the Terminator is wearing his black gloves, but when the camera zooms out he's not wearing them on several occasions.

Continuity: When Sarah is shooting at the T-1000 while the Terminator is backing up the police car, she initially fires 13 shots (more than her pistol can hold). In all subsequent shots during that sequence, she shoots only eight shots before she has to reload.

Continuity: During the chase, the bridge explodes, but in the next shot it seems to be intact, above the flames.

Incorrectly regarded as goofs: Sarah Connor tells the doctor she has been good for six months, and he agrees. Shortly before, he tells students that Sarah stabbed him in the leg with a pen only three weeks ago. However, he may have been agreeing with her to avoid confrontation, or he may have been exaggerating to the students.

Revealing mistakes: When the Terminator spots John Connor and his pal on the motorcycle from above, he zooms in and freezes an image of John's face to confirm an identity match. The two kids must be travelling at least 30mph on the bike, yet the still image the Terminator takes of John on his moving bike shows his long bangs hanging in front of his face, as if there is no wind blowing against it, suggesting the image was taken separately, and not really while he was riding the bike.

Revealing mistakes: John Connor grows visibly taller even though the movie takes place over two days (see also trivia)

Revealing mistakes: When the Terminator shoots the T1000 from inside the lift and splits its head open, the T1000's head is already slightly split open before he shoots.

Continuity: In one of the last fight scenes between the Terminator and the T1000, Terminator stabs through the T1000 with a long steel pole. The T1000 kicks him and he falls backward, dropping the pole behind him. However, when the camera cuts back to the T1000, the pole is still stuck in him and he pulls it out to begin hitting the Terminator with it.

Incorrectly regarded as goofs: In The Terminator (1984) the Terminator comes through the time port and his hair is that of the "molding" of all Terminator's. But in T2 when the Terminator comes out of the time "bubble" his hair is the same as after the car wreck scene in the first movie when he puts on the glasses. John may have modified him to look more acceptable to Sarah.

Incorrectly regarded as goofs: When the Terminator is shooting the minigun at police cars in the Cyberdyne building, the ammunition belt does not feed into the gun. In this model (made by General Electric), what appears to be a belt is actually an enclosed feeder.

Factual errors: In the unused Future Coda scene, which can be seen after the Special Edition, Sarah Connor's voice-over says Michael Jackson turned 40 on August 29, 1997. That was actually his 39th birthday.

Revealing mistakes: After Sarah encounters the Terminator for the first time in the hallway of the hospital, he throws one of the guards into the window; the actor is obviously replaced by a stunt double.

Continuity: In the "Stand on one foot"-scene, when John gives the pistol back to the Terminator, it is correctly cocked, in the next shot, it's not, and in the next shot when he puts it in his pants, it's cocked again.

Continuity: When the T-1000 enters Dyson's home, a police dispatcher is heard relaying the address of Cyberdyne as "2144 Kramer." Two scenes later, as the squad cars are shown en route, the dispatcher repeats the address, only this time as "2111 Kramer."

Revealing mistakes: Before the Terminator is lowered into the steel, he says "goodbye." You can see his breath revealing the actual temperature on the set.

Audio/visual unsynchronized: During a chase scene, the Terminator (on a Harley) passes in front of a Honda CRX that honks at him, but the sound is not that of a Honda CRX horn.

Continuity: In the biker bar, the Terminator scans various people for body types and clothing matches. The body type descriptions do not always match the individuals he is scanning.

Continuity: When Sarah carves "No Fate" into the desk, the tip of the knife curves toward her, then you see it facing away, then when John grabs it from the desk its tip is back toward him.

Continuity: When the Terminator and John Connor are driving (via motorcycle) toward Pescadero to spring Sarah Connor, the same group of parked school buses is passed twice.

Continuity: The T-1000 riding the police motorcycle crashes through the window, launching itself toward the helicopter. As it crashes through the window, the windshield of the bike comes off, seconds later it reappears on the bike when it falls to the ground.

Revealing mistakes: When the Terminator jumps off the sliding liquid nitrogen tank, wires are clearly visible coming off him as he hits the ground.

Revealing mistakes: When John tells the Terminator to stand on one foot, you can see that he is actually resting the raised leg on a black stool.

Incorrectly regarded as goofs: When Sarah makes her first shot at Dyson, the computer screen explodes at a different place from the laser sight dot, but between the silencer and the chances she hasn't calibrated precisely, it's not far off.

Revealing mistakes: Before the T-1000 runs the Terminator through with the crowbar (in the steel-mill), the Terminator is dragging himself along with one arm. As you see the "stump" move forward and then back, you can see the string pulling it.

Revealing mistakes: Obvious stunt double for the Terminator when he swings his bike around the T1000's rig just before grabbing John Connor off his bike in the tunnels.

Continuity: The T-1000 jumps out of a window on the floor that was just blown up to get onto the helicopter, but he crashes through the unbroken window, when it is clear that all windows on that floor were broken in the blast

Continuity: When John, Sarah and Terminator take the police car during the escape from the mental clinic, the number on the plate changes in the following shots from 999273 -> 999232 -> 999273 -> 999001 -> 999013 -> 999018.

Revealing mistakes: Immediately before shooting the T1000 in the elevator, foil from the head broken in half is clearly visible.

Continuity: At the ATM machine, John puts his backpack on his shoulders twice.

Continuity: When the T1000 is driving the semi and jumps off the bridge, the windshield clearly falls out as it lands. The next shot shows the windshield intact with bullet holes.

Continuity: When the Terminator is shooting at the SWAT truck from the helicopter, the bullet holes on the back of the truck keep changing, both in position and quantity, throughout the sequence.

Continuity: When the Terminator first appears, there's a yellow sign on the truck behind him which disappears when the truck is "cut".

Continuity: When Janelle goes outside to pick up the newspaper, it is wet from the sprinkler on the lawn. When she puts it on the kitchen table, the newspaper is dry.

Crew or equipment visible: At Cyberdyne, the Swat Team Leader says, "OK, drop him," and they start shooting. In the background, on the left-hand side of the screen, one crew member wearing a white T-Shirt walks into shot and exits left. (Widescreen DVD)

Continuity: When Sarah, John, and the Terminator are visiting Enrique, dogs are seen happily playing and not barking incessantly at the Terminator.

Continuity: In the arcade, John is apparently playing an expert game of Missile Command, but the score at the end of the game is only 400 points.

Audio/visual unsynchronized: In the scene when Enrique explains the starter is out on the Bronco, he attempts to start it, but it sounds more like a weak battery. A malfunctioning starter would be indicated by either a loud, grinding sound, or a series of clicks.

Continuity: When Sarah is doing pull ups on her upturned bed, her arms are covered in sweat, but when the nurses kick her to the ground, all of her skin is bone dry.

Continuity: The bullet hole Sarah puts in the windshield of the p


mas alguém ainda vê as coisas do fragata? LOL


Pá, eu sinceramente gostei do filme. Tb não estava com grandes expectativas quando o vi e isso pode justificá-lo. Mas gostei e espero ver mais deste tipo de projectos. Foi um filme de baixo orçamento bastante melhor do que muitos que por aí andam...


Vi este na tv e tava á espera d não gostar nada, mas até acabei por me divertir. Não tem 1 grande história, mas prefiro isto aos filmes pa adormeçer do Manoel de Oliveira (perdoem-me, quem gosta dele).



"Os Imortais" até é bom. Plo menos nao achei assim tão mau.


vi o filme ainda agora, na sic.

Os Imortais é penso eu, o melhor filme português actual que já vi. O Um Tiro No Escuro ainda não tive opurtunidade de ver, mas comparar Os Imortais com Sorte Nula é um erro.

Os Imortais tem uma história bem construída, é um filme de mistério com personagens complexas e interpretações à altura, acho que nunca gostei tanto de um desempenho do Nicolau Breyner. O Unas está muito bem em ambos os filmes, mas não se pode comparar a profundidade das personagens que ele representa num e n'outro filme. Enfim Os Imortais não é tão previsível em certos aspectos mas permite uma cera antevisão que o Sorte Nula rouba totalmente ao tirar coelhos da cartola para encaixar as peças que faltam ao puzzle. O final d'Os Imortais embora tirado da cartola (não há pistas, não podia ser previsto) não é uma grande revelação, é um desenrolar e convenhamos: tem a sua graça.

Por sua vez, o Sorte Nula entra n'outro género, é um filme que quer provocar humor e divertimento através do pânico da personagem principal (cheguei a conjecturar que fosse tudo mesmo uma partida ao dito) e algumas das secundárias que se vêm envolvidos em situações bizarras e incrivéis. Pelo meio dá uns ares de filme comercial americano com cenas como a do comboio, o close up do belo decote da Isabel Figueira (sim, gosto. não, não é necessário.) e o strip rídiculo das duas gajas (entre uma coisa e outra, sinceramente: preferi o close up) no meio de uma sub-história parva à lá típico teen-movie de terror. A aproximação das várias fórmulas comerciais americanas nota-se brutalmente nas cenas finais, toda a obsessão do personagem principal naquela correria e as última revelações, completamente tiradas da cartola! Um filme de mistério, um bom thriller, tem de dar pistas, o Sorte Nula não o faz, faz perguntas e depois dá as respostas. Paradoxalmente e por ironia é extremamente prevísivel nos pontos que não ligam à história principal (ao crime) mas às relações entre as personagens.

Não digo que o Sorte Nula seja mau mas não é o mesmo tipo de filme que Os Imortais. É mais fácil, mais óbvio, mais brincalhão, mais divertido talvez. É para quem quer comer pipocas, quem quiser pensar que vá ver um Fight Club.

Quando toca a géneros, e à forma como as coisas são feitas, os gostos divergem, dentro do seu estilo o Sorte Nula, para filme low-budget português, até surpreende. Realço a cena inicial do António Feio com o taco de baseball, a cena do aeroporto, e o supracitado close-up. Contudo, pessoalmente, prefiro o Os Imortais, prefiro o filme e prefiro o género.


eu não compreendo como alguém tem o descaramento de dizer que o "sorte nula" ou "os imortais" são os melhores filmes portugueses que já viram? gostos são gostos... ok... mas acho que vocês andam a dormir!

Eu até achei piada aos dois filmes... medianos para a maioria medíocre que se faz em portugal... claro que gosto das mamas da matadinho da quiroga e da isabel claro que gosto mas o filme "sorte nula" só presta pelo argumento que é mal aproveitado, parecido com as coisas velhas do tarantino e segundo alguem comentou roubado de outro lado qualquer!

Já viram "a divina comédia" de manoel oliveira
Já viram "mal"? de alberto seixas santos
Já viram "o fantasma"? de joao pedro rodrigues
Já viram "os mutantes" de teresa vilaverde
Já viram "o último mergulho" de joao cesar monteiro
Já viram "no quarto da vanda" de pedro costa
Já viram "aqui d'el rey" de antonio pedro vasconcelos

senão viram! acordem para a vida!

Por favor acorden para a vida e vejam o bom cinema que se fez e que se faz em portugal

"you are the homework.
no student at sight"


Bem, eu não gostei do sorte nula. Mas o "FANTASMA" Só com essa já não te levo a sério.


não gostaste do filme ou isso é só homofibia?


"you are the homework.
no student at sight"


Pois... grande raciocínio.

Eu não achei graça nenhuma ao fantasma, por isso devo ser homofóbico. Já parece o raio do Brokeback Mountain, que parecia pecado não gostar do filme.

"Look at us...I'm frozen, you're dead...And I love you!"


Também curti o Imortais. O Nicolau Breyner está sem dúvida fabuloso, o homem.
Já de ver o Rui Unas a brincar aos actores não gosto. Nunca perde aquela forma de falar de quem vem de humor. Acho q os comediantes até podem fazer dramas e assim engraçados, mas nunca perdem as expressões e tiques que os torna engraçados... Olha para o Jim Carey no Majestic.
Ainda por cima, que papeis dão ao Unas? Polícia e ex-combatente durão. lol

"Look at us...I'm frozen, you're dead...And I love you!"
