A sign?

I'm generally not very wierd or spiritual like this... but I've been haunted by my sexuality since I was 12. I'm bisexual and have not "come out" to anyone yet. I look nearly exactly like tobi, I'm 15, and seeing this movie makes me want to tear out my hair... I've never done anything sexual with any other guy, but I am very flambuoyant and eccentric, which all of my friends are well aware of. I am into theater and am involved in all the school plays and everything. I feel like if I come out, it'll be too cliche and I will lose a lot of my self respect. I do like girls, definitely. But I have always had feelings for guys... UH! Life sucks sooo much.

Also, I have a sister who is a lesbian, and my whole family is full of devout christians. Everyone accepts her, and she came out about a year ago. And it's not like I don't think I would be liked with my friends anymore either, it would probably just be a bit awkward. The only thing is, I almost like the lying better. I mean, I don't like the "lying" part, but I just have a whole lot more fun just being innocent and a flambuoyant strait guy than a cliche drama-queer. I feel like it's be more of a strain telling the truth than just lying.

(> <)Copy Bunny into your signature to help him on his way to world Domination.


I'd be honest if I were you. You're not trying to be cliche, it's just who you are, and you should make that clear to them.


Why do you think accepting yourself as the person you are means being a "cliche drama queen"? Just be honest & be yourself.




First be honest with yourself, and in time your own feelings will become clear. At 15, you have plenty of time.

Be cagey: no use making your life harder than it need be. But do not lie to yourself, because then you lose yourself.

If someone falls in love with you, you will need to be honest with them in order not to mess up their lives.

Be brave! It takes courage to be a good gay/bi person. If your relatives are TRUE Christians, they will love you no matter what.


Dude consider urself lucky to have a gay family member, expecially one that is already out and accepted. I'm alone, i'm 18 in NYC, my family HATES homosexuals and I'm very straight acting (I have to be in order to still be living at home) and most of the time when someone's child is flambuoyant, the parents already know and are just waiting for when the time is right FOR YOU to tell them.
