Blonde on Blonde

This song by Nada Surf plays during the opening and closing credits (great scene, by the way, when Tobi gets off the bus alone at his home and looks around at a world that's just the way he left it, but totally new because he's a different person).

I just noticed that the same song is also on Noah's Arc (Logo TV series) during the scene when Noah gets gay-bashed. Is this coincidence, is there a connection, or is either the song or the band a gay thing for some reason?


No idea, to be honest ... I think "Blonde on blonde" is a wonderful song that perfectly fits to the opening sequence of "Sommersturm" (YouTube has an acoustic version played by Matthew Caws where he talks a little about the tune first). I think it's really coincidence, or the producers liked "Sommersturm" as well ;-)


Thanks, Heiko 78, I appreciate the response. It's perfectly plausible and nobody else has come up with a better answer. Thanks also for the link - I enjoyed hearing MC talk about the song (and I got a kick seeing Nada Surf singing it in Belgium - on the youtube link that came up). I agree that it's a wonderful song and fits well into a very evocative soundtrack, which in turn enhances an extraordinary film. Cheers!

ps - Your posts on the various Sommersturm topics have all been thoughtful and interesting.


Your welcome ;-) Yeah, the soundtrack itself is pretty good, Niki Reiser did real good work.

And thanks for the compliment. It's simply that the film really moved me because I know pretty good how Tobi felt about Achim ... and I still think that they would have made a good couple as well ... on the other hand, the ending chosen by Marco Kreuzpaintner fits to reality much better.
