This movie is about death

Just caught this last night, and it was probably my 5th time seeing it. It is nothing less than brilliant, because Altman made a movie about death and dying, disguised as a comedy. Not easy to do. Don't know if Altman was conscious of his own approaching passing, but possibly on an unconscious level he knew. The songs are also chosen to convey wisdom about dying, saying farewell. Probably chosen by Altman as goodbye's to his audience and friends. Especially the song sung by Chuck. From the first time I saw it, the line "It's not a tragedy for an old man to die" has stayed with me.

Would love to hear others' comments.

Btw, when this movie came out, I saw Charlie Rose interview both Altman and GK on his show. GK: "It's a light comedy." RA: "It's about death."

Someone dies (Chuck) and someone is about to be born, as well. Cycle of life.


I had not really articulated these thoughts to myself, but felt them as I was watching...A movie about death and dying that leaves you feeling good.

Thanks for summing it up so well.

I guess it's like looking at clouds. You see one thing and I see another. Peace.


There's all that religious music, e.g., IN THE SWEET BY AND BY, their parents died, the squirrel died, the dog died, the daughter talks about death and suicide, the proverbial dead tycoon with lipstick on his smoking jacket, Chuck died, Gene Autry and John Wayne, old man Soderbergh, F. Scott Fitzgerald, Sven's wife, Johnny, Asphodel, Wilbur Scott, the Axeman, the theater, then someone after the movie ends.


"All good stories end with death" - Hemingway (this may be paraphrased, but it just popped into my head) <-- it's my site... like duh!


At 67, I've suggested this movie to several of my friends coping with loss. It does, at the end, lift you up. Perhaps my real favorite movie of all.
