probably a dumb question, but w/e

I recently picked up an old Red version game and started to play, soon finding out about the Missingno, 'M, and Glitch City glitches. Is anybody (or did they already) make a Pokemon movie about the glitches and how they came to be? Also is there really is a movie about Mewtwo as a youngster. Heard rumors about it, but never looked too much into it. The last Pokemon Movie i saw was this one, and the cable went out so I only saw the endding.

Would be great if somebody e-mailed me or replyied.


[email protected]


yeah the mewtwo short...its just how mewtwo was created its like 20 minutes long like a special episode. its intresting kind of sad...when he was born/created he meets a girl and a few other pokemon and he learns of him self being a clone. he is cute as a toddler, and this girl he speaks to is some scientists dead daughter who he tryed to clone but the clones all died except mewtwo cuz he is strong, then after all that crap mewtwo goes to sleep till he becomes an adult. the mewtwo returns movie was pretty good i enjoyed it alot. but the best very best was lucario i just watched it wow best one yet.


Pretty good summary, but dude- punctuation is NOT your enemy. Learn how to use the period (.) key and the comma (,) key. It makes things much less painful to read that way, trust me.

AFAIK, the Mewtwo short is/was at the start of the JP version, and explains Mewtwo's "birth" as it were. And as far as the "M" issue, they are glitches, meaning they were unintentionally included. In other words, they weren't intended to be there, no matter how notorious they were, so there will never *ever* be a movie to feature any glitch, aside perhaps from a slight reference in the anime, as in a passing mention of something that might sound suspiciously familiar... Whatever, M will never be featured, end of story.
