MovieChat Forums > Plain Truth (2004) Discussion > If you mixed 'Agnes of God' and 'Witness...

If you mixed 'Agnes of God' and 'Witness'...

...added a dash of "A Stranger Among Us", tacked on a "Presumed Innocent" ending, then took away a lot of the depth and dimension that made all those films keepers, you might come up with something like "Plain Truth". It wasn't bad, and as a mystery it kept me watching to the end, but what was disappointing was the missed opportunity to explore in depth some of the crucial themes the film just touched on, such what it means to be Amish in today's society. The filmmakers too often pulled punches and refused to ask the really challenging questions, instead settling for the usual quaint, picture-postcard approach.

But then again, entertainment television is not exactly known for exploring issues in depth.


Read the book its WAY better.

I havent seen any of the movies you mentioned, but my mom did mention "agnes of god" when I made her watch the movie with me.


My thoughts exactly!! It's funny how many things can be seen as combinations of one thing or another. "The Last Samurai", good though it was, was "Dances with Wolves" meets "Shogun".
