
If i was katie i would be balling my eyes out too!!

Worst choice of headstone title i've ever seen!!!




Well, I guess it's better than having a title of 'Murdered' or 'Bastard Child'.

Automatic Bad Movie Trailer Generator:


I've actually seen tombstones with the word "Stillborn" in 19th century cemetaries. It seems to have been a common practice. It used to be that stillborn children were not buried in consacrated ground at all, because they could not be baptized. In cases like this it was often the custom to put the baby in the coffin of someone else and bury the two together. My grandmother had a still birth in the 1940s and that's what they did.


omg, i know. that was the part in the story where i really began to identify with katie as a teenager instead of a clueless psycho amish girl. in fact, this movie changed my perspective of the amish
