Susan Sarandon = FLOP

Seriously this woman is a box-office poison and a pretty bad actress. Nobody wants to see her on the silver screen. Her annoying voice and bad acting makes me want to look away and this has nothing to do with her political views. I agree with her on that but that does not mean that she´s a good actress. She´s horrid.


are you crazy??? shes brilliant,beutiful,and gifted shes been in a million movies and if she such a flop why is she signed on for 9 movies and still keepin em coming approching here 61 birthday!

You must like getting spanked Farley, I guess it runs in the family.


Her politics are just like her movie performance...she really is a corn cob.


realy a orn cob? now your starting to sound corney and it sounds like to me her politics get in the way of what you see and all you see is a woman standing up for what she belives in insted of sitting there on her butt and dealing with it and if that bothers you then you need to get some vision correction!

You must like getting spanked Farley, I guess it runs in the family.


Don't know what an "orn cob" is but...she can believe in what she wants, just tell her not to try and shove it down my throat because she's a 'star'. Isn't she one of them movie stars that said they'd leave the states if Bush got re-elected in 2004? How many of them left? NONE.


well you can belive what you want too because this is america but dont go on her FAN site and post mean things also i guess you cant understand things unless they are perfect for you so here it goes CORN cob is that better?

You must like getting spanked Farley, I guess it runs in the family.


Go on her fan site? Just in case hell does freeze over, where can I reach you?

Thanks for spelling corn correctly. Can't spell, can't puncuate...God bless you americans.



America, I weep for thee.


i dont worry i no i can find you (1800 kiss off) tell me if im wrong!
i saw you replyied and i was so happy to see my favorite buddy wote back

You must like getting spanked Farley, I guess it runs in the family.


I rest my case.


rest your case on what?
i realy wish you wuld stop critisising and stereoityping
stop acting like amaericans are stupid
and make some sense

You must like getting spanked Farley, I guess it runs in the family.


You've made my case. Read your own posts.


WoW you are a Jerk!

You must like getting spanked Farley, I guess it runs in the family.


Nice comeback yank. Ever think of running for public office?


Think of running for office? you do realize that for the last little while you've benn fighting with me and you dont even know how old I am. (I cant run for office) I rely think you should think about what you type on your computer and realize that you are offending people. and you dont have to be 18 to realize that...

You must like getting spanked Farley, I guess it runs in the family.


Guy...I'm not fighting with you, I'm just running rings 'round you logically. There's no malice aforethought.


Guy... yeah not quite try girl....
anyway look can we stop this ?
I'm going to be the "Grown Up"
and say nuf is nuf
look at us...
we are acting like idiots...
B!tching back and forth
at one another
and I feel
and if you read BOTH
our posts you will realize
that we have been very rude to eachother
and we both have said things that make no sense
and things that were rude and uncalled for
so I no I'm not going to change your thoughts about Ms. Sarandon
and you arent going to change mine.
and if you can belive that is what started this.
thats what start wars
people disagreeing and not excepting the others oppinion
so lets stop
if we can turn this around and be nice
then lets
if not then just tell me and we will stop talking all together.
so thats my piece you are elcome to say yours.
I'm sorry :)
The "Yank"
ha ha you got to admit that one is funny...

You must like getting spanked Farley, I guess it runs in the family.


Wow, you are one freaked out piece of work. Peace & love dude where's my car.


and you have no respect for anyone... you are probably either a stupid collage kid, or a 45 year old living in mommy's basement. I'm sorry i tried to be civil
pperenl thats too much for u.
you would rather fight wih a 14 year old than get a life. !!!

You must like getting spanked Farley, I guess it runs in the family.

reply my last post. Collage is is a bunch of pictures you put together in school. And your stutter (what's "pperenl" mean?) seems to have gotten the better of you.


I was just tryin to stop... because im sick of you beingan *beep*
You must like getting spanked Farley, I guess it runs in the family.


Guy, you're getting beat up here. I'm starting to feel sorry for ya. And I love these words you invent.


what's "pperenl" mean

I would guess it means apparent (apparently), given the context. Not really hard to make sense out of it.


You guess? You're killing me. Where can I buy your dictionary?


yeah though, i agree her acting was terrible in this movie. It was most likely a rushed filming, as the budget doesn't appear too great, and it wasn't a really good film or well made compared to others that came out in 07


I think she is a good actress.
But I must admit, Mr. Woodcock was one of her weakest performances.


ok, firstly, susan sarandon is an amazing oscar winning acctress, she is also amazingly beautiful & hugely loved!

& secondly whatever your personal feelings are of her or the movie its pretty pathetic to say anything shes in is a flop, because its just plain crap & has no factual truth to it. have a look at her career genious, & try & come up with an insult you can back up.


Thank you!
finally someone ho doesent want to insult me or Susan about this!
I'm sick of fighting with that other person
You must like getting spanked Farley, I guess it runs in the family.


Oh boo-hoo! You two should get married. Your joint dictionary would be a great read. You love "Susan". That's great. I think she's a liberal big mouth. Welcome to America (I'm assuming).


Wow your an fing ahole
You must like getting spanked Farley, I guess it runs in the family.


And you have the correct quote on your contributions; 'you must like getting spanked'. You two set a date yet?


Well tats pretty immature
that is a quote from a movie you aperently saw otherwise you have been making post without the flipping room to talk!
for your ignorance but I'm so unbelivibly sick of your bull
you cant even get a life and leave me alone so im done with this little game you like to play!
I'm tired of wasting time on you!
you cant even except anyone elses oppinions so I'm done with your rude comments!
have fun being an idiot and making a fool of your self to everyone else your done showing me your ignorance

You must like getting spanked Farley, I guess it runs in the family.


No...please! I'm writing down all your new words. You must've been on fire at spelling bees. Buh-bye Farley.


You can't say nothing on the content, so you attack the form?


i am personally finding it hugely amusing that for someone you hate so much you certainly spend alot of time & energy on her. do you really have nothing else to do?


Easy there girls. Why don't you go and lick buh-bye farley's wounds.


Nothing more entertaining for the audience to say? That is not really strong.


You can say what you want about people.
but if you think for one second that your actually offending us your not!
anything I say you remark on how i typed it, and thats beause you can't think of any remark to the comment of what I'm actuallly saying.
your commbacks are:
stupid yank
whats that word your trying to say
hang on let me cpy down your new words

you cant come back with anything I'm saying
and my name isnt farley you idot
thats a quote from a movie but so your brain can comprehend that i changed my qoute do you like this one better?

Susan:I think I stay an actor b'cuz you can't get exactly it right.So there is a challenge to it.


Thanks...I can say what I want about people. You're very thoughtful. I'm not intending to offend anyone (taking offense is in the mind of the receiver and can be guaged by the response)...I'm just running rings 'round you logically.

I see you took the quote off your signature Farley.

This is fun.


Oh yes it has Been fun hasent it?
I thought you would like my qote about Susan a wee bit better.
After all she is the best!
and runnin rings round me logicaly hey?
hmm sounds like your in a little bit over your head.
So yes now that i look back at it it has been fun
having you run rings arond me logicaly
whatever the hell that means...
so yup been great fun look forward to see your next smart @ss comment.

Susan:I think I stay an actor b'cuz you can't get it right.So there is a challenge to it.


'qote', 'logicaly', 'your'

Like I


Once again Only words no context
Bull Sh!t Here

Susan:I think I stay an actor b'cuz you can't get it right.So there is a challenge to it.


And finally...Farley spelled all the words correctly! We'll talk about capitalization later.


Oh yes Rem's School of grammar and correct punctuation has done wonders for me!
What would I have done without you dear?

Susan:I think I stay an actor b'cuz you can't get it right.So there is a challenge to it.


That looked almost just need a class on possessive puncuation. You'll need many years of schooling but we'll get you through Farley.


I'm so darn happy i have people like you to teach me proper English.
Even though I got an A- in 9th grade English last sememster.
great to know you will alaways have my back to tell me everything I do wrong!

Susan:I think I stay an actor b'cuz you can't get it right.So there is a challenge to it.


You got an 'A' in English last "sememster"? Tell me which school has "sememsters". You're a hoot Farley!


Well probably the ones in the United States DUH!
and yes i made a mistake i got an A last marking period...
2 marking periods in a semester, two semesters in a year there for 4 marking periods in a year!
and yes I am a hoot

Susan:I think I stay an actor b'cuz you can't get it right.So there is a challenge to it.


I gotta agree with your sentiments about american schools Farley.


If you dont have sememsters how often are you graded?

Susan:I think I stay an actor b'cuz you can't get it right.So there is a challenge to it.


Hang on...I'm not up to 'S' in the Farley dictionary yet. When I get to "sememsters" I'll let you know.


no I actually didnt make up semester...
it' a term used for the middle of the school year...
are you so *beep* old you havent been in school so long you forgot?
Or do you just like acting like you're stupid?

Susan:I think I stay an actor b'cuz you can't get it right.So there is a challenge to it.


I know you didn't make up 'semester' wonderkid...but I'm sure "sememster" is right out of the 'Farley' dictionary.


Oh yes I'm working on a title for my dictionary, what do you think about Farley's Dictionary For Those Idiots Without Enough Common Sense To Read "?
Sound really good to me!
Wow Susan Sarandon is amazing... I'm watching Bull Durham as we speak
Till the mext smart @ss coment

Susan:I think I stay an actor b'cuz you can't get it right.So there is a challenge to it.


What about "Farley's dictionary for those americans who can't spell"? Sounds even better.

That's my "MEXT" comment. What a riot!


And for those who stick on the form 'cause they cannot argue on idea, what can we suggest to them?


I can suggest you check on my first comment, which supported the original posters opinion (the rest has been laughing at Farleys' postings and spellings). Then I suggest you do as I previously suggested and look after Farley because he got spanked so badly.


Oh don't worry REM my @ss i fine now thanks for kissing it!

And Vandegahst: REM's to confused with my spelling errors let alone my context :) poor Rem

Susan:I think I stay an actor b'cuz you can't get it right.So there is a challenge to it.


Not confused...amused! I'm amazed you got 'spelling' correct.


Oh yes im suprised too! Suprised that you still don't get what I'm saying

Susan:I think I stay an actor b'cuz you can't get it right.So there is a challenge to it.


I know what you're're using code words to tell us that you can't spell.


Oh you are an us now?
you're so great you're
plural now!
oh an yes yu hit it right on talking about the code words do you get this one?
hope this is not too confusing for someone who has an IQ as low as my grade point average....

Susan:I think I stay an actor b'cuz you can't get it right.So there is a challenge to it.


Wow, my comments on a guaged response were sure on target. FU? Sure I get it...Farley University. Where you can get a Phd in spelling. You need to work on that GPA.


Well I may need to work onn my GPA but when your IQ is the same as my GPA you have no room to talk

Susan:I think I stay an actor b'cuz you can't get it right.So there is a challenge to it.


I agree...if my IQ is as low as your GPA I am in a heap of trouble. Keep working "onn" those spelling errors. Were you on vacation Farley? I thought you'd given up on being spanked.


I think Susan Sarandon is an excellent actress! If she couldn't act, why would she have an oscar? Also, I don't find her voice annoying.


yeah even though she's older than my mother. i still wanna pop one on her tongue.


God Yes i was on vacation do you think I would ever give up on you REM?
Just found some more interesting things to do with my time and all! also the Studing on grammar has been killing me I still am tring but don't worry I'll always be back. However I'm not quite comforatible with you spanking me it kinda freaks me out!
But yes I'm back you don't need to have anymore withdrawls, you can sleep at night, and always wake up in the morning and comment back

I'm gonna go now is that ok?

Susan:I think I stay an actor b'cuz you can't get it right.So there is a challenge to it.


You're "studing" on grammer are you? Sounds kinky.

That's fine Farley, you can go.


I know you're sad because you were not invited to Study with me. What you have to realize is that I just don't feel that way about you buddy!
so next time we can leave the dirty little spanking comments to ourselve okay?

Susan:I think I stay an actor b'cuz you can't get it right.So there is a challenge to it.

reply were trying to say 'studying'.

Are you using the royal 'we'? And what's wrong with was your motto.


My QUOTE was " You must like getting spanked Farley I guess it runs in the family" Whch is nothing but a smart @ss Comment Mr.Woodcock says to John Farley since Mr.Woodcock is dating Johns mom... however since I've changed it to a quote made by Susan Sarandon but since you can't seem to get the images out of your head about sanking and insist on commenting your daily two cents about things that don't matter I have a word of advice... take a trip to your theripist!!

Susan:I think I stay an actor b'cuz you can't get it right.So there is a challenge to it.


Thanks Farley. I didn't think you liked getting "sanked", I thought you liked getting spanked. What's a the-rip-ist?



Susan:I think I stay an actor b'cuz you can't get it right.So there is a challenge to it.



That must be the paddle you keep getting spanked with.


Oh yeah because the smiley face really hurts!
Do you enjoy looking like an idiot?

Susan:I think I stay an actor b'cuz you can't get it right.So there is a challenge to it.


That was a smiley face? It's just like the spelling.



Well...Farley enjoys getting spanked (and who am I to disappoint). He couldn't accept the original posters' comments and opinions.


I can't beleive I've wasted 3 1/2 months of my life on this dumb bullsh*t!!
I've been telling this guy for three and a half months that my name is not Farley, I'm not a guy, and I don't like getting spanked but it's kind of fun bringing out the stupidity in someone

Susan:I think I stay an actor b'cuz you can't get it right.So there is a challenge to it.


What's three and a half months when you've wasted how many years on your education. I was just going by what was quoted on your posts Farley.


Well I'll waste some more on learning proper english

Susan:I think I stay an actor b'cuz you can't get it right.So there is a challenge to it.


Why bother with live in america don't you.


Yes I do where do you live?
As*hole Land??

Susan:I think I stay an actor b'cuz you can't get it right.So there is a challenge to it.


Nice could stand in for the striking writers. Like I said, why worry about english in america. ?Comprende?



Susan:I think I stay an actor b'cuz you can't get it right.So there is a challenge to it.



And spelled correctly!


<~~~~~~~~~~~~~~> and spelled wrong

Susan:I think I stay an actor b'cuz you can't get it right.So there is a challenge to it.


are you kidding!?
she is an amazing actress!
were u even watching her?
god that is the dumbest, stupidest comment i have ever heard.
and who is your favorite actress? paris hilton?

Prom Night 2008: April 11!!
~ Brittany Snow ~ Jessica Stroup


Hehe People on my side Rem they are always taking my side!

Susan:I think I stay an actor b'cuz you can't get it right.So there is a challenge to it.


It's easy to take the side of someone getting spanked so often Farley. Kind of a sympathy starving kids or the mentally challenged. What the hell is a 'hehe people'?


In fact, it seems that the original poster, gfe-6, has left the discussion long time ago, like a good troll.


I'm not a troll if thats what you impling ^
and i honestly don't think that Rem is eitheer...
Yes Rem I actually said somthing good about you!!
But Hehe..... People to fix my usual spelling error

Susan:I think I stay an actor b'cuz you can't get it right.So there is a challenge to it.


But you haven't said what the hell a 'hehe' is 'eitheer'. Never mind.


I EXPLICITLY mentioned gfe-6.


^ Aww *beep* Rem I screwed up again!! I meant "either" not "eitheer" Woops!! Oh and by "hehe" I meant "thats funny"
Sorry for the confusion once again hey I'm learning!!
Susan:I think I stay an actor b'cuz you can't get it right.So there is a challenge to it.


It's good to learn. In these PC days, you can't say 'hehe' have to say 'sheshe'.


Aww are you gender confused again?

Susan:I think I stay an actor b'cuz you can't get it right.So there is a challenge to it.


I'm not confused...and don't you disenfranchise us lesbians.


Wow didnt know that about you!!
didnt realize you were sheshe
im more... shehe!!!!
Susan:I think I stay an actor b'cuz you can't get it right.So there is a challenge to it.


Oh god, we've gone full circle now with the spelling. My time with Farley was wasted.


She's got eyes like a frog. I really don't know what her fans see in her.Diane Keaton is another confuse of me.



So did Lassie.


I love how people like you pretend to speak for all of us when you say, "NO ONE WANTS TO..."

Really when exactly did you start speaking for the theatre going public???

So please stop that as well as all of you morons out there that keep saying "NO ONE" or words to that effect.

SPEAK for yourself.

I like her and apparently so do quite a few other people or they wouldn't keep hiring her. She's talented, beautiful, and intelligent. I'm jealous of her hubby...lucky bastich.

They who give up liberty to
obtain a temporary safety deserve
neither liberty or safety


NO ONE WANTS TO...listen to this *beep*
