Why is it...

They 90 percent of the people who actually stick up for this movie are 13 year olds or people who are obsessed with John Cena.

I think it's kinda sad that so many grown men look up to another man so much :]


I wouldn't consider a 13 year old a grown man, but to each his own. The movie itself was nothing more than a hour or so of entertainment. I thought it was alright. I'd give it a 6/10.

take care,


"I think it's kinda sad that so many grown men look up to another man so much :]"

And it's kinda sad how you have absolutly no life, you make fun of little kids who like John Cena :]

John Cena
Passions 1999-2007
Gotta love those Fruity, Delicious Skittles!!


I really need not say anymore :]


Clearly a WWE Fan in the thread. No comment needed


i like john cena as a wrestler, but honestly, this movie sucked. i hated the plotline, there was stuff blowing up every 5 minutes, and its just not a very good movie. i was pretty disappointed.



ok just to clarify, im not 13, and im not obsessed with cena. moving on, y are y'all complainin about the explosions? its an action movie, not a spielberg masterpiece. people see those kinds of movies EXPECTING explosions!

btw, Jeff Hardy rox my sox


This film is one of the worst i have ever seen. the whole idea of a soldier being discharged for saving fellow officers is pathetic.
The script left alot to be desired and cena cannot and shouldnot act after 20 mins i just wanted it to finish, every 5mins something blew up and by the way he would be cremated by the gas station blast.
also every time someone spoke the "marine" would pop up somewhere.

All in all cena dont act WWE stop making buuls**t scripts and using there own wrestlers.

1/10 and im only giving that because of the hot blonde


I am not a Cena fan, but I am a big WWE fan. I feel sorry for Cena. The guy knows he is generally hated and frankly he has done nothing to deserve that. In this movie, no doubt Vinnie is trying to win him fans, he does his best but cannot put it across. I gave it a 5/10 for his trying to do a job and there was plenty of action.
I gave See No Evil a 10/10.
If you have time to spare watch Kane or Van Damme.


See No Evil I really didn't have too much of a problem with. It was what you'd expect out an old school type of horror movie. I enjoyed See No Evil. But we'll save that for another IMDB Thread ;]


Cena was at Paris Island when I was. I remember the recruit underground had a rumor going that he fell out of the BMT Confidence Course. I wouldn't doubt it either.

But yeah this movie was horrible. I was forced to watch it while I was at Fort Leonardwood. It was depressing on so many levels. I think I saw the boom microphone swing on screen at one point there.

This is like . . . I don't even know. Every 14 year old fat kids wet dream about his future?


I agree, this must be one of the worst movies i seen in ages. Every single major scene is totally unlogical it hurts my head. But what i find the most strange is that Robert Patrick even agreed to play the badguy in this lame movie. 1/10 for me....


"the whole idea of a soldier being discharged for saving fellow officers is pathetic. "

here we go, another dumbass joins imdb.
ya see, in another dimension known as "reality" most people who disobey direct orders and put their entire team in a potentially lethal situation to save two other officers and just go running in guns blazing with no prior surveillence or information on how many people are inside/what weapons they have/are there any more hostages, would usually be punished in some way or another. now im not entirely sure about this, but lets say im 99% sure any so called marine who did something like that would be atleast suspended considering they are a major liability.
that is ofcourse unless america really is the land of the stupid, in which case he would be promoted and given some sort of medal.


In 'reality' that Marine would be courtmarshelled because he didn't wait for his fellow Marines to be killed first before going in 'blazing' because, "The terrorists might not really have wanted to hurt the Marines, just because they put his knife on the guys neck doesn't mean he was going to cut his head off."

Then, according to liberals, he should have went in there and 'talked' to the Al-Queda guys about it. Not shot them up.

Gah! I hate our current admin.

"Any last words, punk?"
"Yeah, your wife is good in bed."
"So, you're a liar, too?"


perhaps if they werent there in the first place there wouldnt be an issue...or a stupid movie.


Org. Are you a lib?

If so, I suppose that the sand people flew planes into the WTC because we caused it.
I suppose that the jawas beheaded U.S. civilians because we caused it.
I suppose the jawas planted car bombs in London because of G.W.
I suppose that an idiot jawa, while on fire, was swinging at firefighters that were trying to save him while he was screaming 'Allah, Allah' was because of G.W.
I suppose that the jawas have been causeing pain and suffering for the last 700 years because of G.W.

Click these links to see the enemy at work, tools.

"Any last words, punk?"
"Yeah, your wife is good in bed."
"So, you're a liar, too?"


if lib is the opposite of stupid, ie, you, then yes thats exactly what i am. otherwise, do enlighten us as to what the hell a lib is?

you do realise it was immediately after the plane thing that the "war" started, therefore i dont see what any of the other stuff has to do with anything. clearly, when you declare war on a nation, oh im sorry, terror, people are gonna get pissed off, and they let you know about it.
ive got the perfect comparison to the war on a small scale:

character 1 punches character 2 in face
character 2 gets all his friends together and beats the crap out of character 1s friends and family.
guess what happens next?
its a tough one i know, but my money would be on...oh i dont know, revenge?
i know, its a tough one to understand, but if you use logic im sure youll work out why this situation is beyond stupid.

then again, youre a) american and b) believe the war is a good idea.
logic isnt something you have access to.


This movie was terrible, even setting off explosions every 10 minutes couldn't save it.

John Cena should go back to doing what he does best.

Cuddling fat, sweaty men in wrestling rings until he pins them and wins his 'title'


Ogre-nised, you dumb *beep*. [I hate you, censors! I hope you die an agonizing death while sitting in your own sewage.]

{Public internet my *beep*} {*beep* you, you *beep* *beep*ing *beep* monkey *beep* *beep* *beep* *beep* *beep* *beep* *beep* *beep* on a trolley!!)

Ok. Let's say you have a daughter that is 14 years old (assuming you're not gay).
Said daughter goes out on a date with a new boyfriend.
Said daughter and said boyfriend get stabbed to death, until they die, by an...lets say, illegal immigrant, outside of the movie theatre where they just watched 'The Little Mermaid VI', innocently minding their own business.

Now. People you know (daughter) and people you don't know (boyfriend with a hard on) are dead. ('Dead' means, never coming back. Stolen from you.)

The murderer's name is Abdul Muhammed, to make it easy.
He even left a piece of paper explaining every thing he did to your daughter.
Plus a phone number, in case you want to call and chat about it.

Abdul lives at Terrance Johnson's (Iraq, Afghanistan) house.

You call the cops (U.N) over to Terrance's house to handle things but they say, "Sorry. No can do. We don't want to 'upset them'"

Your only child was murdered by someone who wasn't supposed to be 'here' in the first place and is now living in someone else's house.

The pigs won't do a damn thing about it.
In fact, they give Abdul a T-shirt and a welfare check for $1500, just to be nice to him.

You watch from across the street as Abdul destroys Terrance's garden.
A young woman from the neighborhood walks by and Abdul takes notice.

Abdul walks out to the sidewalk and talks with her.
She says that she's married and tries to walk away.

Abdul grabs her and forces her into Terrances house.

(If hating terrorist Muslims who happen to be brown skinned makes me a racist, then hell yes! Lable me a racist!! I HATE ANYONE WHO IS A TERRORIST!)

No. Let's change that up.

YOUR MOTHER is walking down the sidewalk past Abdul and he takes notice.
Your mother explains that she's married (to your father) and she tries to walk away.
Abdul grabs YOUR MOTHER and forces her into the house.
Yet, you sit on your hands and watch your little tractor sprinkler watering your yellow, dead lawn.

Try that on for size, you stupid liberal.
You like having Nancy fly around in a jet, spending more on fuel to taxi down the runway than you'll earn in you lifetime?

I bet you'd vote for Hilary just because she's a woman who's trying to move up, disregarding the fact that she hasn't done a god damned thing since being Senator of NY except a chair warmer! Beside conspiring with Edwards about how to stab U.S. citizens in the back with hidden agendas.

How about socialized medicine?
How's that working for Canada?
If the U.S. gets socialized medicine, then where are Canadians supposed to go for emergency health care?

Get some info and some punctuation lessons (there's a key called 'Shift') before snarling like a dog who's bark is bigger than his bite, Old top.

I hate you, poopie pants!

I bet you believe in Global Warming, also.

I suppose you want to take away my guns so criminals know for a fact that I'm not armed when they pull out their 'non-registered' guns to rob me.
(Juan Carlos from Colombia doesn't give a fuc* about registering a hand gun!)

Turd lips.

"Any last words, punk?"
"Yeah, your wife is good in bed."
"So, you're a liar, too?"


Let me tell you why I love this movie. Not because it is good. Oh no, the exact opposite. Cheesy lines, explosions every 12 minutes, pointless violence, and predictable outcome all make me love this movie. I am watching it right now and I am cracking up! I knew it wasn't going to be Citizen Kane, but it is right on par with Laser Mission. Robert Patrick is damn funny, his henchmen are absolutely ridiculous, and Triton is impossibly awesome. When this movie is in the bargain bin I will certainly own it, as it is I'll just have to take it back to the video store in a couple days after making fun of it relentlessly.
