MovieChat Forums > The Marine (2006) Discussion > Marine better than The Condemned

Marine better than The Condemned

I liked The Marine better than The Condemned it was directed a whole lot better.

The only positive thing about condemned i can think of is the very end when stone cold meets up with his wife, they don't do anything corny like hug or kiss, he drives to her house and the movie ends with stone cold smiling and fades to black, very well done.

Comparing the two films, they're both supposed to be all about fight scenes and the marine fights scenes are much better than Condemned.

We'll start with camera angles and cuts. In The Marine the camera is setup so we can see what is happening and its not bouncing around all over the place like in the condemned (like some poor attempt at michael bay stuff.) Also in the condemned when the fights started they cut back to people in the control room, and thats not what the audience wants to see, when a fight starts we want to see the fight. Also they cut from one angle to another making it very hard follow the fight, which is happening a lot these days which sucks.

Now we'll move on to the fights themselves which are Boring. I guess they were trying to pass off realistc fights but the all they do is make dull action sequences. All stone cold does is block and throw two body punches...thats it (just like how he wrestled haha.) I thought with the introduction of that asian guy we might see some crazy karate *beep* but no. The only thing the asian guy does its a handstand when hes screwing around with the knives he found. Nathan Jones the big guy was greatly under used, he didn't do *beep* Watch Jones in the Tony Jai movie "The Protector" thats how you use a big guy. Overall the fight scenes were unimaginative, unrealistic and unkool.

Finally the ending, the death of the Vinnie Jones. Stone cold shoots him, thats it. No huge fist fight, no spectacular death just shot a couple of times. I think that he was the real bad guy and deserved a super death, others will argue that its in tone with the gritty realism of the film but to hell with that, all WWE films aren't supposed gritty real, they should be more like those action packed crazy 80's films.

Hopefully that new Triple H film will be better now that its in the hands of 80's director John Milius but if its just like the condemned they should just quit making films and leave all the *beep* acting to Mr McMahon on RAW every monday night.


... both movies R stupid c-r-a-p
for low IQ level people with US passport ;-)
...this kind of movies are NOT for people with working brain.

> Where R the Weapons of mass destruction, *beep* ?!?


i agree wrestlers only have 2 acting types pissed off and more pissed off except the rock of course


I thought the condemned was done better than the marine. I thought vinnie jones was a better villian than Robert Patrick, and Stone cold acted better than Cena. But you're right wrestlers shouldn't be actors (except for the Rock). The best wwe film so far in my oppinion is See No Evil, and Kane only had one line in that whole movie.


You have posted the same thing in the condemned board sayin condemned better than marine


Neither is a particularly good movie. But Condemned had much better acting,better effects,better camera work,better music and better directing. "The Marine" is just a flatout bad movie imho.




The Marine was about the worst movie I have ever seen! I watched it because Cena was in it and I'd hoped that his acting was at-least as good as the Rock's. However, not only is the acting bad (dont need much for an action flick), but the whole movie was a disaster.

As for the comparison to "The Condemned" wasn't much better, but at-least I was able to watch the whole movie!

The Marine goes down as one of those movies that should NEVER have been made. If I'd bank-rolled this film, I'd be pissed!


both films were an attempt at cheesy action.... the marine didn't work and the condemned did.

I am not saying that it was a work of art, but at least the condemned was watchable. the marine just make me cringe lol

my boyfriend loved it though and spent £5 to buy it. such a waste of a fiver lol

I'm a quitter. I come from a long line of quitters. It's amazing I'm here at all.


Lol damn u need to tell your boyfriend to go and punch the manager of the store he bought it from in the face cause he payed to much.
