MovieChat Forums > The Marine (2006) Discussion > I heard a pretty funny joke today...

I heard a pretty funny joke today...

A Marine is someone belonging to a special forces branch of the Army. They are not a self standing section of the military, they are under the command of the US Army, despite their claims.

They happen to use Naval equipment and deployment vehicles on occassion, so a problem occured.

You see, despite being under the direct control of the Army, they constantly use Navy resources.

This makes them part homosexual.

So to correct this half-problem, the Army likes to (as having absolute disgust for anything homosexual, like the Navy, or pansies, like the Airforce) pretend the Marines are actually their own specific, uncontrolled branch of the Military. On par with the Army, Navy and Airforce.

So remember that Marines, you belong to us. Its just...we dont love you enough to except who you really are deep inside.



Us as in the people or us as in the Army?


Notice the captial letters "US", followed by Army, in reference to the Marines. The United States. God damn, just God damn.


You people need to stop this childish rivalry.


LOL This made my day, sir!

*** Life sucks and then you die. *** And then it still sucks. *** Dead Like Me
