This story was sooo sad. I just wantd to know/ask did anyone cry or tear up during the move? If so when did you become emotional?


i havent seen the movie yet, but i have read the book..and i have to say i cried couple of times



Umm I read the book and cried. Then when I watched the film I cried a few times. At the end, when Amir says something *I dont want to ruin it* I cried/smiled pretty hard. The Kite Runner is a very emotional book/film.





when hassan got raped =(
when hassan left =(
and when hassans son was in tht place !




I just watched it, and well I don't cry much, especially over movies. But I do get teary-eyed. And yeah, I got pretty teary-eyed heh. But what he said at the end while he was running for the kite was "For you, a thousand times over"

Last Movies Seen:
Big Trouble - 10/10
The Kite Runner - 10/10
(July 18; when will it come?)


Wow! You gave "Big Trouble" 10 stars?

"Why are you wearing that stupid man suit?"


Hehe, i think he said "for you i would do it 1000 times" That's what hassan said to him when they were kids and he had beat the last kite runner boy. It shows how loyal hassan was.


I wouldn't say I "cried" but the moment where Amir reads Hassan's letter knowing he will never share another moment with his brother again, was really touching. That whole scene was just so perfectly directed and acted. Just tugged at my heartstrings...

Don't go swimming in the ocean or a seal could bite your hand off


He actually said, "thank you..a thousand times over" it's a popular expression


It was 'For you, a thousand times over.' That's the same thing Hassan told him when he ran his kite during the tournament. A very touching throwback, also depicting the role reversal. As boys, Hassan was Amir's kite runner; now Amir is Hassan's son's kite runner.


i sooo creid for teh book and movie.. very sad.. and both the book and movie were great!


i cried when amir was reading hassans letter after he found out about his death. man, i was balling!


I really cried during the movie. When Hassan walked out from the Alley he looked so pitiful it just broke my heart that was a terrible scene. I also cried when Hassans son ran away and confessed about what happend. And it made me sad with how Amir and Hassans relationship had changed because of the rape.

If you are a racist, I will attack you with the North. - Abraham Lincoln



i tried hard not to, but i BAWLED like a baby. i teared up throughout the movie but when the movie ended i just couldn't hold it in. one of the most beautiful movies i've seen in a long time.i certainly want to read the book now.


Emotional piece of work. Haven't read the book yet but the film speaks volumes to me already.


"For you, a thousand times over" got me as well and I had to cry. Also when Hassan got raped and didn't mentioned anything to Amir but blood was visible in the snow. What a horrible and sad moment. I haven't seen a better movie of this kind in a very long time. It really touched me. I would give it a 10/10 for sure. I am planning to read the book now after seeing this movie.
