Other Court Movies

Hi all,

I was trying to find movies that most of its scenes are in the court. I really do like this type of movies but the problem is I can't find that many. I've seen a few (listed below), please tell me if you can remember other

Runaway Jury
Primal Fear
Find Me Guilty
12 Angry Men (Not a court room actually, but same idea)

PS. I'm not talking about TV movies as I'm not based in the US and won't be able to watch them anyway

Thank you in advance


Red Corner


runaway jury, philadelphia, and 12 angry men are great. as is find me guilty. theres also the verdict, the second half of law & order, and the aviator had a kinda big court scene


There is a French movie called "Soupcons" in France and Canada and "The Staircase" in the U.S. It is a TV series over 6 hours long -- a real case filmed live. It is truly great and if you really enjoy court cases, you must see this one.


You are not talking about TV movies, but other movies? I dont get it ?!

But JFK is my all-time favorite court movie. I like that particular genre too, but i cant seem to find any good ones.. i'm just about finished with Find Me Guilty and looking forward to watching it.

Blacklisted starring Robert De Niro is okay too.


"my cousin vinny" is a pretty funny movie.


I liked ...And Justice For All with Al Pacino in the leading role. It isn't as good as The Verdict, but has a great performance by Pacino. He was definitely better in the 70s than in his recent movies. Check it out if you haven't seen it yet.


"A Civil Action" with John Travolta

This is a civil trial (obviously), not criminal.

Who is John Galt?: http://www.cafepress.com/warpedgraphics/3017333



A Few Good Men
A Time to Kill
To Kill a Mockingbird
The Rainmaker
My Cousin Vinny
Inherit the Wind
The Juror
Liar, Liar


i cant believe i forgot all those good ones


"Conspiracy: The Trial of the Chicago 8".


Inherit the Wind is perhaps my favorite in this genre. The first time I saw it (in high school) I was surprised to find out there were court cases even in the 1920s about "creationism" versus the theory of evolution. (It was also based on actual events: the so-called "Scopes Monkey Trial.") It has a fine cast: Dick York (yes, Darren from Bewitched!) as the defendant, Spencer Tracy as the defense attorney, and Fredric March as the prosecutor. The two attorneys are nationally famous with egos to match, and it makes for some thrilling courtroom battles. Superb film.

"Gimme that old-time religion, it's good enough for me . . ."

"Tell you what . . . the truth is . . . sometimes I miss you so much I can hardly stand it." --Jack Twist


To kill a mocking bird is the best in this category


I remember two good ones by John Ford;
Young Mr. Lincoln
Seargent Rutledge
