
Is there a widescreen version of the dvd? I bought the director's edition dvd and the movie itself is almost full screen but the weird thing is that the clips shown in the special features are widescreen (16:9 at least). Does anybody know?


Not sure why the inconsistency. I saw it in standard, and it was annoying as you couldn't see most of the play on court. The damn score board was cut out and you couldn't see both teams' scores. I wish I saw in wide screen, if it exists. Cool movie, but terrible DVD work.


Agree! Not being able to see the score of both teams really took some of the drama out of it.


same here! It was driving me crazy a couple times trying to figure out who had the lead!


I found a 'Believe In Me' blu-ray on half.com which I purchased for $2.00 - it was indeed widescreen, but the funny thing is that despite being a blu-ray, it wasn't in HD, and instead seemed to be an upscaled DVD copy. Still, for $2, I'll take the widescreen.
