MovieChat Forums > American Hardcore (2006) Discussion > where the *beep* is GG Allin?

where the *beep* is GG Allin?



in some punk rock documentary considering this is about hardcore bands.

The Church of Samuel L. Jackson and Latter day Snakes


i would say hes more hardcore than punk rock.


just because you're crazy doesn't mean you're hardcore, he has no relation to actual hardcore music, no relation to bands like gorilla biscuits, or champion. He doesn't connect to any line drawn from minor threat.

The Church of Samuel L. Jackson and Latter day Snakes


"He doesn't connect to any line drawn from minor threat."
Considering Minor Threat didnt put out their first record till 1981 when Hardcore was already a few years old,why should he?


WTF does a crap band like Champion have to do with HC? And wtf do GB have to do with early 80's HC scene?



GG Allin was the real deal. He blows all these other bands away. Also, they forgot all the white power neo-nazi skinhead hardcore punk bands!


*beep* Nazis that is why. Every single one of those bastards deserves a brick in the face. Hardcore and nazis dont mix. Hardcore is anarchist or liberal at best. Not some right wing *beep*


I dont think any self-respecting hardcore fan even acknowledges the whole neo-nazi punk thing. the closest thing you can get is what henry rollins said about the guys who would show up to hardcore shows with a jock mentality. same deal. and GG Allin was in his own right a "hardcore" type of fella but his music wasnt hardcore, and IMHO kind of annoying. very alive..and full of goo...MISSION GOO!!~~~


GG was just a f--ked up performance aritst who liked rolling in his own feces onstage. He liked to be as extreme as he could and always threatening to commit suicide onstage as part of his act.

The nazi-core had little revealing talent and didnt deserve even a footnote in the history of American hardcore. They just exploited the energy of the music for their cause and didnt contribute anything to hardcore. They're a bunch of cowards who attack as a pack but run when they're faced with equal odds.


GG Allin is where he should be...rotting in the ground. He had no talent, no spirit, nothing of substance...he covered up his lack of any intellectual engagement with sh*t throwing...he was a statement of style over substance...everything hardcore was against...he belongs in this documentary about as much as Whitney Houston does...
